| Chat 1, Seeing the Sunrise | |
| Chat 2, Hearing the Morning | |
| Chat 3, Smelling the Bakery | |
| Chat 4, Tasting the Party | |
| Chat 7, Hearing Night-time | |
| Chat 9, Tasting Fruit Salad | |
| Chat 10, Feeling Rain on my Face | |
| Chat 11, Seeing Pets at Hom | |
| Chat 12, Hearing Farm Animals | |
| Chat 13, Smelling Cookies | |
| Chat 16, See Wild Flowers | |
| Chat 17, Hearing Garden Birds | |
| Chat 18, Smell the Sky after the Rain | |
| Chat 19, The Taste of Fair | |
| Chat 20, Feel Wind in the Hair | |
| Chat 22, Hearing the Ocean | |
| Chat 23, Smelling the Kithen | |
| Chat 25, Touching Someone's Hand | |