Portions of Lukes Gospel () ичинде Lithuanian

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аудио гана

Jėzaus gimimas (The Birth of Jesus)
Jėzaus gimimas (The Birth of Jesus)
305 kB
 1′ 17″
Pirmieji mokiniai (Calling of the First Disciples)
Pirmieji mokiniai (Calling of the First Disciples)
329 kB
 1′ 21″
Audros nutildymas (Jesus Calms the Sea)
Audros nutildymas (Jesus Calms the Sea)
189 kB
Duonos padauginima (Jesus Feeds the 5,000)
Duonos padauginima (Jesus Feeds the 5,000)
299 kB
 1′ 14″
Gerasis samarietis (The Good Samaritan)
Gerasis samarietis (The Good Samaritan)
380 kB
 1′ 35″
Jėzus moko melstis (Jesus Teaches on Намаз)
Jėzus moko melstis (Jesus Teaches on Намаз)
400 kB
 1′ 39″
Didžioji puota (The Parable of the Great Banquet  )
Didžioji puota (The Parable of the Great Banquet  )
293 kB
 1′ 12″
Sūnus palaidūnas (The Parable of The Lost Son)
Sūnus palaidūnas (The Parable of The Lost Son)
572 kB
 2′ 27″
Jericho neregys (The Blind Beggar Receives his Sight)
Jericho neregys (The Blind Beggar Receives his Sight)
208 kB
Nukryžiavimas (The Crucifixion of Jesus)
Nukryžiavimas (The Crucifixion of Jesus)
588 kB
 2′ 29″
Tuščias kapas (The Resurrection of Jesus)
Tuščias kapas (The Resurrection of Jesus)
312 kB
 1′ 17″
Jėzus pasirodo savo mokiniams (Jesus Appears to His Disciples)
Jėzus pasirodo savo mokiniams (Jesus Appears to His Disciples)
455 kB
 1′ 59″