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LLL 8 Dejanja SVETEGA DUHA v Mandinka

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Uvod & Slika 1 (Jesus Goes up to Heaven)
Uvod & Slika 1 (Jesus Goes up to Heaven)
296 kB
Slika 2. The Holy Spirit Comes with Fire
Slika 2. The Holy Spirit Comes with Fire
216 kB
Slika 3. Peter Preaches to the People
Slika 3. Peter Preaches to the People
274 kB
Slika 4. The Church Family
Slika 4. The Church Family
250 kB
Slika 5. A Crippled Beggar is Healed
Slika 5. A Crippled Beggar is Healed
221 kB
Slika 6. Peter and the Woman who Lied
Slika 6. Peter and the Woman who Lied
268 kB
Slika 7. Stephen is Killed
Slika 7. Stephen is Killed
270 kB
Slika 8. The Ethiopian Traveller
Slika 8. The Ethiopian Traveller
316 kB
 1′ 2″
Slika 9. Peter's Vision of the Animals
Slika 9. Peter's Vision of the Animals
253 kB
Slika 10. Peter and the Rimljanom
Slika 10. Peter and the Rimljanom
308 kB
Slika 11. Peter in Prison
Slika 11. Peter in Prison
243 kB
Slika 12. Peter and His Friends
Slika 12. Peter and His Friends
262 kB
Slika 13. The Light and the Voice from Heaven
Slika 13. The Light and the Voice from Heaven
342 kB
 1′ 7″
Slika 14. Blind Paul and Ananias
Slika 14. Blind Paul and Ananias
220 kB
Slika 15. The Church Prays for Paul and Barnabas
Slika 15. The Church Prays for Paul and Barnabas
244 kB
Slika 16. Paul Preaches about Jesus
Slika 16. Paul Preaches about Jesus
301 kB
Slika 17. Paul's Vision of the Man
Slika 17. Paul's Vision of the Man
216 kB
Slika 18. Paul and Silas in the Earthquake
Slika 18. Paul and Silas in the Earthquake
317 kB
Slika 19. Paul and the Altar to the Unknown God
Slika 19. Paul and the Altar to the Unknown God
291 kB
Slika 20. Paul is Taken to Court
Slika 20. Paul is Taken to Court
250 kB
Slika 21. Soldiers Rescue Paul from the Jews
Slika 21. Soldiers Rescue Paul from the Jews
263 kB
Slika 22. Paul Preaches to Kings
Slika 22. Paul Preaches to Kings
249 kB
Slika 23. The Shipwreck
Slika 23. The Shipwreck
239 kB
Slika 24. Paul as a Prisoner in Rome
Slika 24. Paul as a Prisoner in Rome
270 kB