Kata-kata Kehidupan 2 () dalam Kakwa

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Audio Sahaja

Walk Straight on the Road of Jesus ▪ The Two Roads ▪ Thanks for Saving Us ▪ God's Commands for His Children ▪ Jesus Loves Us ▪ The Way to Heaven
Walk Straight on the Road of Jesus ▪ The Two Roads ▪ Thanks for Saving Us ▪ God's Commands for His Children ▪ Jesus Loves Us ▪ The Way to Heaven
4.4 MB
 19′ 15″
I Come to Tell the Importance of Jesus ▪ Solat is Talking to God ▪ Jesus Loves Us ▪ How God's Children Should Live ▪ The Time When Jesus Comes ▪ The Return of Christ
I Come to Tell the Importance of Jesus ▪ Solat is Talking to God ▪ Jesus Loves Us ▪ How God's Children Should Live ▪ The Time When Jesus Comes ▪ The Return of Christ
4.3 MB
 19′ 14″