Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.

LLL 2 Mighty Men of GOD in Ghera

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Picture 1. The Two Brothers
Picture 1. The Two Brothers
449 kB
 1′ 44″
Picture 2. Jacob's Dream
Picture 2. Jacob's Dream
386 kB
 1′ 22″
Picture 3. Jacob and Laban
Picture 3. Jacob and Laban
366 kB
 1′ 16″
Picture 4. Jacob Meets God
Picture 4. Jacob Meets God
542 kB
 2′ 4″
Picture 5. Joseph's Dream
Picture 5. Joseph's Dream
353 kB
 1′ 10″
Picture 6. Joseph is Sold
Picture 6. Joseph is Sold
429 kB
 1′ 36″
Picture 7. Joseph and the Wicked Woman
Picture 7. Joseph and the Wicked Woman
399 kB
 1′ 28″
Picture 8. Joseph in Prison
Picture 8. Joseph in Prison
525 kB
 1′ 58″
Picture 9. The King's Dream
Picture 9. The King's Dream
382 kB
 1′ 18″
Picture 10. Joseph Rules in Egypt
Picture 10. Joseph Rules in Egypt
366 kB
 1′ 17″
Picture 11. Joseph Revealed to His Brothers
Picture 11. Joseph Revealed to His Brothers
453 kB
 1′ 38″
Picture 12. Jacob and Joseph in Egypt
Picture 12. Jacob and Joseph in Egypt
486 kB
 1′ 53″
Picture 13. Baby Moses
Picture 13. Baby Moses
486 kB
 1′ 50″
Picture 14. Moses and the Burning Bush
Picture 14. Moses and the Burning Bush
344 kB
 1′ 12″
Picture 15. Moses Returns to the King
Picture 15. Moses Returns to the King
451 kB
 1′ 42″
Picture 16. The Sacrificed Lamb
Picture 16. The Sacrificed Lamb
318 kB
 1′ 9″
Picture 17. Through the Sea
Picture 17. Through the Sea
451 kB
 1′ 35″
Picture 18. Food and Water in the Desert
Picture 18. Food and Water in the Desert
323 kB
 1′ 3″
Picture 19. Moses on the Mountain of God
Picture 19. Moses on the Mountain of God
394 kB
 1′ 25″
Picture 20. The Snake on the Pole
Picture 20. The Snake on the Pole
419 kB
 1′ 34″
Picture 21. Jesus Feeds the People
Picture 21. Jesus Feeds the People
402 kB
 1′ 28″
Picture 22. Jesus Speaks with Moses
Picture 22. Jesus Speaks with Moses
331 kB
 1′ 8″
Picture 23. Jesus Died for Us
Picture 23. Jesus Died for Us
474 kB
 1′ 48″
Picture 24. Jesus in Heaven
Picture 24. Jesus in Heaven
421 kB
 1′ 32″
Self Test
Self Test
315 kB
 1′ 28″