| Alipo kumwamba - God will answer | |
| Davite kwa Uliya - David to Uriah | |
| Fesani mbeu - Sow the seed | |
| Kodi mwakozeka ulendo - Are you ready for the journey | |
| Kupemphera ndikwabwino - 祷告者 is good | |
| Nasongole - Tare in my field | |
| Yesu tupa wanga - Jesus is my sharpener | |
| Nkhondo yatha - The strife is over, the battle done | |
| Sauli anakwiya - Saul's anger | |
| Saweluzika - Non-judgemental | |
| Tipaulendo - On the journey | |
| Tilimbe mwa Yesu - Let's sing in Jesus | |
| Tonse tilipaulendo wautali - We're on the long journey | |