LLL 2 Mighty Men of GOD (Vanu Vave na Jimongo Janga Mnungu) in Makonde

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Ndoto yanga Yakobo (Picture 2. Jacob's Dream)
Ndoto yanga Yakobo (Picture 2. Jacob's Dream)
615 kB
 2′ 36″
Yakobo na Labani (Picture 3. Jacob and Laban)
Yakobo na Labani (Picture 3. Jacob and Laban)
644 kB
 2′ 40″
Yakobo akajana na Mnungu (Picture 4. Jacob Meets God)
Yakobo akajana na Mnungu (Picture 4. Jacob Meets God)
548 kB
 2′ 17″
Ndoto yanga Yusufu (Picture 5. Joseph's Dream)
Ndoto yanga Yusufu (Picture 5. Joseph's Dream)
513 kB
 2′ 3″
Yusufu Vansumisijwi kama Mtumwa (Picture 6. Joseph is Sold)
Yusufu Vansumisijwi kama Mtumwa (Picture 6. Joseph is Sold)
688 kB
 2′ 56″
Yusufu Panavere Kuutumwa aneku Misiri (Picture 7. Joseph and the Wicked Woman)
Yusufu Panavere Kuutumwa aneku Misiri (Picture 7. Joseph and the Wicked Woman)
720 kB
 3′ 6″
Yusufu Mnugereza (Picture 8. Joseph in Prison)
Yusufu Mnugereza (Picture 8. Joseph in Prison)
855 kB
 3′ 39″
Ndoto yanga Mfalme (Picture 9. The King's Dream)
Ndoto yanga Mfalme (Picture 9. The King's Dream)
855 kB
 3′ 32″
Yusufu Atawala Misiri (Picture 10. Joseph Rules in Egypt)
Yusufu Atawala Misiri (Picture 10. Joseph Rules in Egypt)
1.2 MB
 5′ 35″
Yusufu Ajitambulisha kwa Avanung'unu Vake (Picture 11. Joseph Revealed to His Brothers)
Yusufu Ajitambulisha kwa Avanung'unu Vake (Picture 11. Joseph Revealed to His Brothers)
1.1 MB
 4′ 59″
Israeli na Yusufu Vakojana Kavila Misiri (Picture 12. Jacob and Joseph in Egypt)
Israeli na Yusufu Vakojana Kavila Misiri (Picture 12. Jacob and Joseph in Egypt)
1 MB
 4′ 36″
Mwana Mussa (Picture 13. Baby Moses)
Mwana Mussa (Picture 13. Baby Moses)
791 kB
 3′ 25″
Musa na Kijiti jiyaka Moto (Picture 14. Moses and the Burning Bush)
Musa na Kijiti jiyaka Moto (Picture 14. Moses and the Burning Bush)
651 kB
 2′ 46″
Musa Auya Misiri (Picture 15. Moses Returns to the King)
Musa Auya Misiri (Picture 15. Moses Returns to the King)
449 kB
 1′ 49″
Pasaka (Picture 16. The Sacrificed Lamb)
Pasaka (Picture 16. The Sacrificed Lamb)
496 kB
 2′ 4″
Vana va Israeli vavuka Bahali ya Shamu (Picture 17. Through the Sea)
Vana va Israeli vavuka Bahali ya Shamu (Picture 17. Through the Sea)
654 kB
 2′ 43″
Valimana na Medi Kuilanga (Picture 18. Food and Water in the Desert)
Valimana na Medi Kuilanga (Picture 18. Food and Water in the Desert)
855 kB
 3′ 35″
Amri janga Mnungu (Picture 19. Moses on the Mountain of God)
Amri janga Mnungu (Picture 19. Moses on the Mountain of God)
500 kB
 2′ 1″
Nyoka wa Shaba (Picture 20. The Snake on the Pole)
Nyoka wa Shaba (Picture 20. The Snake on the Pole)
520 kB
 2′ 13″
Kiongozi Nkulu kuliko Musa (Picture 21. Jesus Feeds the People)
Kiongozi Nkulu kuliko Musa (Picture 21. Jesus Feeds the People)
481 kB
 2′ 0″
Yesu alenje na Musa (Picture 22. Jesus Speaks with Moses)
Yesu alenje na Musa (Picture 22. Jesus Speaks with Moses)
618 kB
 2′ 34″
Yesu Anihuwa kwa ajili Yetu (Picture 23. Jesus Died for Us)
Yesu Anihuwa kwa ajili Yetu (Picture 23. Jesus Died for Us)
302 kB
 1′ 11″
Yesu Avehai Lelo (Picture 24. Jesus in Heaven)
Yesu Avehai Lelo (Picture 24. Jesus in Heaven)
341 kB
 1′ 23″