LLL 8 Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT (Matendo langa Roho Mtakatifu) in Makonde

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Kuida Kwanga Roho Mtakatifu (Picture 2. The Holy Spirit Comes with Fire)
Kuida Kwanga Roho Mtakatifu (Picture 2. The Holy Spirit Comes with Fire)
260 kB
Petro Aanza Kuhubiri (Picture 3. Peter Preaches to the People)
Petro Aanza Kuhubiri (Picture 3. Peter Preaches to the People)
232 kB
Lykanisa Lya Kwanza (Picture 4. The Church Family)
Lykanisa Lya Kwanza (Picture 4. The Church Family)
337 kB
 1′ 19″
Nguva ya Uponjaji (Picture 5. A Crippled Beggar is Healed)
Nguva ya Uponjaji (Picture 5. A Crippled Beggar is Healed)
299 kB
 1′ 10″
Kumnyumija Mnungu (Picture 6. Peter and the Woman who Lied)
Kumnyumija Mnungu (Picture 6. Peter and the Woman who Lied)
295 kB
 1′ 7″
Stephano Mwaminifu Mpaka Kuhwa (Picture 7. Stephen is Killed)
Stephano Mwaminifu Mpaka Kuhwa (Picture 7. Stephen is Killed)
334 kB
 1′ 13″
Kwenesa Habari Njema (Picture 8. The Ethiopian Traveller)
Kwenesa Habari Njema (Picture 8. The Ethiopian Traveller)
395 kB
 1′ 37″
Maono langa Petro (Picture 9. Peter's Vision of the Animals)
Maono langa Petro (Picture 9. Peter's Vision of the Animals)
288 kB
 1′ 1″
Wokovu Ni Wa Vohe (Picture 10. Peter and the Romans)
Wokovu Ni Wa Vohe (Picture 10. Peter and the Romans)
345 kB
 1′ 20″
Petro Mnigereza (Picture 11. Peter in Prison)
Petro Mnigereza (Picture 11. Peter in Prison)
356 kB
 1′ 22″
Nguvu Ja Maombi (Picture 12. Peter and His Friends)
Nguvu Ja Maombi (Picture 12. Peter and His Friends)
309 kB
 1′ 8″
Habari Janga Paulo - Jinsi Mnungu Chambadilishije (Picture 13. The Light and the Voice from Heaven)
Habari Janga Paulo - Jinsi Mnungu Chambadilishije (Picture 13. The Light and the Voice from Heaven)
307 kB
 1′ 10″
Mtii Mnungu Unayope (Picture 14. Blind Paul and Ananias)
Mtii Mnungu Unayope (Picture 14. Blind Paul and Ananias)
235 kB
Likanisa Livatume Vanu Vahene Kunavahubirila Vapotweke (Picture 15. The Church Prays for Paul and Barnabas)
Likanisa Livatume Vanu Vahene Kunavahubirila Vapotweke (Picture 15. The Church Prays for Paul and Barnabas)
286 kB
 1′ 1″
Ujumbe Kwa Vanu Vahena Kunavahaulila Vanu Habari Njema (Picture 16. Paul Preaches about Jesus)
Ujumbe Kwa Vanu Vahena Kunavahaulila Vanu Habari Njema (Picture 16. Paul Preaches about Jesus)
351 kB
 1′ 18″
Mnungu Amninda Paulo (Picture 17. Paul's Vision of the Man)
Mnungu Amninda Paulo (Picture 17. Paul's Vision of the Man)
255 kB
 1′ 0″
Paulo na Sila Pavichipata Taabu (Picture 18. Paul and Silas in the Earthquake)
Paulo na Sila Pavichipata Taabu (Picture 18. Paul and Silas in the Earthquake)
401 kB
 1′ 29″
Paulo na Mnungu Amaikana (Picture 19. Paul and the Altar to the Unknown God)
Paulo na Mnungu Amaikana (Picture 19. Paul and the Altar to the Unknown God)
323 kB
 1′ 13″
Kupanyana Aneko Korintho (Picture 20. Paul is Taken to Court)
Kupanyana Aneko Korintho (Picture 20. Paul is Taken to Court)
341 kB
 1′ 20″
Paulo Anikubali Kuteseka (Picture 21. Soldiers Rescue Paul from the Jews)
Paulo Anikubali Kuteseka (Picture 21. Soldiers Rescue Paul from the Jews)
408 kB
 1′ 35″
Ujumbe Kwanga Mfalme (Picture 22. Paul Preaches to Kings)
Ujumbe Kwanga Mfalme (Picture 22. Paul Preaches to Kings)
347 kB
 1′ 22″
Mnungu Avepamo na Paulo Muhatari (Picture 23. The Shipwreck)
Mnungu Avepamo na Paulo Muhatari (Picture 23. The Shipwreck)
326 kB
 1′ 8″
Paulo Panave Rumi (Picture 24. Paul as a Prisoner in Rome)
Paulo Panave Rumi (Picture 24. Paul as a Prisoner in Rome)
355 kB
 1′ 26″