| Lied: Jesus Calls us to Follow Him | |
| 1. Mose 1: 1-5 (Bild 1: Am Anfang) | |
| 1. Mose 1: 24-30 (Bild 3: Schöpfung) | |
| Einführung to Jesaja (Bild 2: Das Wort Gottes) ▪ Jesaja 45: 18-19 (Bild 2: Das Wort Gottes) | |
| Matthäus 18: 1-5 (Bild 7. Jesus and the Children) | |
| Markus 2 (Bild 16. A Man Comes Through the Roof) | |
| Markus 4 (Bild 18. Jesus Calms a Storm) | |
| Lied: Jesus Calls Us To Follow Him | |