Paroles de Vie - The Lord Who Loves (Jiva Kiynad Devudi) dans Maria: Etapally
5.1 MB
23 MB
Diaporama Vidéo
Audio Seulement
The Second Coming
629 kB
3′ 4″
The Birth of Jesus
794 kB
3′ 49″
Creation and Redemption
740 kB
3′ 35″
The Cruel Master
896 kB
4′ 16″
Death and Resurrection
1 MB
5′ 1″
Lesson from a Hyena
801 kB
3′ 48″
The Fils Prodigue
896 kB
4′ 17″
Power Over Evil Spirits
722 kB
3′ 25″
The Rich Fool
598 kB
2′ 47″
The Rich Man and Lazarus
606 kB
2′ 59″
Don't Welcome Evil in Your Heart
759 kB
3′ 32″
Creation and Fall
851 kB
4′ 12″