Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.

Songs of Worship in Maria: Etapally

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You are a loving God
You are a loving God
867 kB
 3′ 41″
I am worshiping
I am worshiping
461 kB
 2′ 4″
I will not worship the golden idol
I will not worship the golden idol
972 kB
 4′ 22″
Jesus loves the little children
Jesus loves the little children
636 kB
 2′ 47″
Our Lord Jesus is the God who saves
Our Lord Jesus is the God who saves
1.2 MB
 5′ 23″
I trust you and holding your feet
I trust you and holding your feet
825 kB
 3′ 48″
A savior is born in this world
A savior is born in this world
750 kB
 3′ 20″
Fear not, for I am with you
Fear not, for I am with you
569 kB
 2′ 28″
Be happy in Jesus
Be happy in Jesus
1.4 MB
 6′ 4″
Young boys and girls, listen
Young boys and girls, listen
855 kB
 3′ 39″
Come, let’s go to Jesus’ house
Come, let’s go to Jesus’ house
1.6 MB
 7′ 0″
If you want to go to heaven, come to Jesus
If you want to go to heaven, come to Jesus
1.1 MB
 4′ 38″
We are the witnesses of God
We are the witnesses of God
1018 kB
 4′ 29″
Our Lord is in heaven
Our Lord is in heaven
702 kB
 3′ 7″
If you want to worship Jesus, keep His commandments
If you want to worship Jesus, keep His commandments
1.4 MB
 5′ 58″
Our God is a God who who talks with us
Our God is a God who who talks with us
1 MB
 4′ 31″
Let’s sing together a song of Jesus
Let’s sing together a song of Jesus
867 kB
 3′ 47″
Before world was created, God was there
Before world was created, God was there
1.1 MB
 4′ 40″
The works of Christ
The works of Christ
1.3 MB
 5′ 47″
Jesus is the living God
Jesus is the living God
1.2 MB
 5′ 28″
Without you, life is meaningless
Without you, life is meaningless
893 kB
 3′ 51″
Lets celebrate Christmas
Lets celebrate Christmas
535 kB
 2′ 14″
My heart is the temple of God
My heart is the temple of God
853 kB
 3′ 43″
I will go to Jesus
I will go to Jesus
604 kB
 2′ 35″
Listen how the world had been created
Listen how the world had been created
1.2 MB
 5′ 19″