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Cantiques - Jesus is Risen (Jesus Nasanàmno Ha) dans Hixkaryana

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Audio Seulement

Jesus Was Resurrected ▪ Introduction
Jesus Was Resurrected ▪ Introduction
100 kB
Jesus Was Resurrected
Jesus Was Resurrected
434 kB
 2′ 3″
Sunday Dawned
Sunday Dawned
310 kB
 1′ 24″
Sing to God
Sing to God
427 kB
 2′ 1″
God Has Saved
God Has Saved
389 kB
 1′ 47″
Jesus Was Born
Jesus Was Born
268 kB
 1′ 13″
God Knows Our Life Here
God Knows Our Life Here
406 kB
 1′ 52″
Whatever is on Earth Will Fade
Whatever is on Earth Will Fade
344 kB
 1′ 37″
Today is Christmas
Today is Christmas
439 kB
 2′ 0″
It's Easter
It's Easter
316 kB
 1′ 25″
We Rejoice in Him
We Rejoice in Him
353 kB
 1′ 38″
There Was a Banquet
There Was a Banquet
371 kB
 1′ 41″
320 kB
 1′ 27″
We Are Servants of God
We Are Servants of God
349 kB
 1′ 39″
Father You Are Sovereign
Father You Are Sovereign
491 kB
 2′ 22″
Good Morning Brothers
Good Morning Brothers
384 kB
 1′ 49″