| Song: I'll Sing a Song That Sang Desmundo | |
| Song: Jesus Rose From The Dead | |
| Testimony 2: Carlos Abraao Tamka | |
| Testimony 3: Danilo Txaruma | |
| Testimony 4: Felipe Horyharma | |
| Testimony 5: Jose Henrique | |
| Song: God is Stronger Than Us | |
| Testimony 6: Jose Moreno Yasahtxe | |
| Testimony 7: Jurandir Turfa | |
| Song: It is clear That God Loves Us | |
| Testimony 8: Maria Matxoro | |
| Song: Women Went to See the Tomb of Jesus | |
| Testimony 9: Oberto Ahyohpo | |
| Testimony 10: Paulo Yohxa | |
| Song: Jesus Died for Loving Us | |
| Testimony 11: Raimundinha Kyromtu | |
| Song: We Do Not Live According to Our Will | |
| Testimony 12: Mirtes Raquel Temoxe | |
| Song: Were The Shepherds Visiting the Baby Jesus | |
| Testimony 13: Talita Ahyohpo | |