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Paroles de Vie dans Jukun: Takum

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Audio Seulement

What is a Christian?
What is a Christian?
850 kB
 3′ 24″
Give Him Your Heart
Give Him Your Heart
320 kB
 1′ 26″
Jesus Opened the Way
Jesus Opened the Way
748 kB
 3′ 15″
The House on the Rock
The House on the Rock
920 kB
 3′ 30″
Preaching the Gospel
Preaching the Gospel
232 kB
Be Strong
Be Strong
788 kB
 3′ 27″
Be Ready
Be Ready
229 kB
865 kB
 3′ 30″
Sins Washed Away
Sins Washed Away
392 kB
 1′ 41″
Spread the Bonne Nouvelle
Spread the Bonne Nouvelle
845 kB
 3′ 21″
Power Over Evil Spirits
Power Over Evil Spirits
851 kB
 3′ 24″
The True God
The True God
872 kB
 3′ 30″
Heaven is My Home
Heaven is My Home
451 kB
 1′ 59″
Jesus is Coming
Jesus is Coming
837 kB
 3′ 35″
The Ten Virgins
The Ten Virgins
858 kB
 3′ 25″
Let Us Prepare
Let Us Prepare
409 kB
 1′ 46″
The Christian's Témoignage
The Christian's Témoignage
850 kB
 3′ 22″
Be Ready
Be Ready
228 kB
Wealth or Christ
Wealth or Christ
847 kB
 3′ 21″