Paroles de Vie dans Tamajeq: East Tawallemet
6.6 MB
85 MB
Diaporama Vidéo
Audio Seulement
One God
897 kB
3′ 50″
Your Choice
788 kB
3′ 26″
How to Find Peace
829 kB
3′ 33″
The Resurrection
764 kB
3′ 23″
The Rich Man and Lazarus
735 kB
3′ 11″
The House on the Rock
874 kB
3′ 41″
The Ten Commandments 1
722 kB
3′ 16″
The Ten Commandments 2
763 kB
3′ 25″
808 kB
3′ 34″
We are Like Stones
835 kB
3′ 43″
798 kB
3′ 27″
787 kB
3′ 29″
What is a Christian?
760 kB
3′ 26″
The Ten Virgins
816 kB
3′ 31″
Witnessing, Baptism and the Lord's Supper
638 kB
3′ 11″
Tithing and the Name of Jesus
647 kB
3′ 20″