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Paroles de Vie 2 dans Guarani, Paraguayan

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Are You Afraid? ▪ Instrumental
Are You Afraid? ▪ Instrumental
782 kB
 3′ 11″
Attributes of God ▪ Keep Us, Lord
Attributes of God ▪ Keep Us, Lord
607 kB
 2′ 30″
Creation ▪ I Sing Always
Creation ▪ I Sing Always
1.4 MB
 6′ 5″
Témoignage ▪ Now no Fear
Témoignage ▪ Now no Fear
378 kB
 1′ 40″
The Fall of Man ▪ God's in Heaven
The Fall of Man ▪ God's in Heaven
992 kB
 4′ 30″
Noah ▪ Harp Music - Instrumental & Chant
Noah ▪ Harp Music - Instrumental & Chant
1.3 MB
 5′ 35″
Sin and Judgement
Sin and Judgement
809 kB
 3′ 37″
Psalm 19
Psalm 19
476 kB
 2′ 3″
Introduction to Jesus ▪ This is God
Introduction to Jesus ▪ This is God
1.2 MB
 5′ 21″
The Ministry of Jesus ▪ Thou Art Great
The Ministry of Jesus ▪ Thou Art Great
724 kB
 3′ 11″
The Death of Christ ▪ He Died for Me
The Death of Christ ▪ He Died for Me
1.1 MB
 4′ 35″
Resurrection of Jesus ▪ Jesus Returns
Resurrection of Jesus ▪ Jesus Returns
739 kB
 3′ 18″
The Two Roads ▪ When the Roll is Called Up Yonder
The Two Roads ▪ When the Roll is Called Up Yonder
1.1 MB
 4′ 41″
Témoignage ▪ What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Témoignage ▪ What a Friend We Have in Jesus
894 kB
 3′ 58″
The Appeal ▪ You Love Jesus
The Appeal ▪ You Love Jesus
911 kB
 4′ 6″