Oral Ecritures Set - The Story of God dans Naro

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Audio Seulement

01. The Word Became Flesh, John 1:1-18
01. The Word Became Flesh, John 1:1-18
98 kB
1.02. The Word Became Flesh, Jean 1:1-18
1.02. The Word Became Flesh, Jean 1:1-18
634 kB
 2′ 41″
02. Prologue, Apocalypse 1:1-3
02. Prologue, Apocalypse 1:1-3
284 kB
03. The Lord is my Shepherd, Psalm 23
03. The Lord is my Shepherd, Psalm 23
344 kB
 1′ 12″
04. The Word of God, 2 Timothée 3:16
04. The Word of God, 2 Timothée 3:16
145 kB
05.01. God Creates Everything, Genèse 1:1-31
05.01. God Creates Everything, Genèse 1:1-31
1.4 MB
 6′ 11″
05.02. God Creates Everything, Genèse 2:1-4
05.02. God Creates Everything, Genèse 2:1-4
281 kB
06. The Garden of Eden, Genèse 2:4-10
06. The Garden of Eden, Genèse 2:4-10
387 kB
 1′ 22″
07. God Created the First Woman, Genèse 2:15-25
07. God Created the First Woman, Genèse 2:15-25
534 kB
 2′ 6″
12.01. The Woman And the Dragon, Apocalypse 12:1-6
12.01. The Woman And the Dragon, Apocalypse 12:1-6
468 kB
 1′ 40″
12.02. The Woman And the Dragon, Apocalypse 12:7-18
12.02. The Woman And the Dragon, Apocalypse 12:7-18
823 kB
 3′ 10″
13. The Lord Speaks, Job 38:4-7
13. The Lord Speaks, Job 38:4-7
239 kB
14. The Fall of the Devil, Esaïe 14:12-15
14. The Fall of the Devil, Esaïe 14:12-15
280 kB
16.01. The Fall of Man, Genèse 3:1-8
16.01. The Fall of Man, Genèse 3:1-8
510 kB
 1′ 53″
16.02. The Fall of Man, Genèse 3:9-17
16.02. The Fall of Man, Genèse 3:9-17
569 kB
 2′ 6″
16.03. The Fall of Man, Genèse 3:18-24
16.03. The Fall of Man, Genèse 3:18-24
438 kB
 1′ 32″
17. Jew & Gentile reconciled with God, Ephésiens 2:1-10
17. Jew & Gentile reconciled with God, Ephésiens 2:1-10
491 kB
 1′ 56″
19. Cain and Abel, Genèse 4:1-15
19. Cain and Abel, Genèse 4:1-15
655 kB
 2′ 51″
20. Noah and the Flood, Genèse 6:9-22
20. Noah and the Flood, Genèse 6:9-22
836 kB
 3′ 27″
21. God Remembered Noah, Genèse 8:1-19
21. God Remembered Noah, Genèse 8:1-19
720 kB
 2′ 58″
22. God's Covenant with Noah, Genèse 9:1-17
22. God's Covenant with Noah, Genèse 9:1-17
803 kB
 3′ 22″
23. The Tower of Babel, Genèse 11:1-9
23. The Tower of Babel, Genèse 11:1-9
441 kB
 1′ 40″
24. The Call of Abram, Genèse 12:1-9
24. The Call of Abram, Genèse 12:1-9
611 kB
 2′ 30″
25. Abram and Lot Separated, Genessis 13:1-18
25. Abram and Lot Separated, Genessis 13:1-18
917 kB
 4′ 1″
26.01. The Three Visitors, Genèse 18:1-21
26.01. The Three Visitors, Genèse 18:1-21
1.1 MB
 4′ 17″
26.02. Abraham Pleads for Sodom, Genèse 18:22-33
26.02. Abraham Pleads for Sodom, Genèse 18:22-33
677 kB
 2′ 45″
27. God Tests Abraham, Genèse 22:1-19
27. God Tests Abraham, Genèse 22:1-19
1.1 MB
 4′ 52″
28. Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed, Genèse 19:1-29
28. Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed, Genèse 19:1-29
1.6 MB
 6′ 25″
29. Hagar and Ishmael, Genèse 16:1-16
29. Hagar and Ishmael, Genèse 16:1-16
944 kB
 3′ 57″
30. The Birth of Isaac, Genèse 21:1-21
30. The Birth of Isaac, Genèse 21:1-21
903 kB
 3′ 42″
31. Esau and Jacob, Genèse 25:19-34
31. Esau and Jacob, Genèse 25:19-34
741 kB
 3′ 14″
32. Jacob Returns to Bethel, Genèse 35:1-15
32. Jacob Returns to Bethel, Genèse 35:1-15
685 kB
 2′ 52″
33. The Death of Rachel, Genèse 35:16-29
33. The Death of Rachel, Genèse 35:16-29
657 kB
 2′ 46″
34.01. Joseph's Dreams, Genèse 37:1-11
34.01. Joseph's Dreams, Genèse 37:1-11
632 kB
 2′ 36″
34.02. Joseph Sold by his Brothers, Genèse 37:12-36
34.02. Joseph Sold by his Brothers, Genèse 37:12-36
1.2 MB
 5′ 11″
35. Joseph Explains Pharaoh's Dreams, Genèse 41:1-40
35. Joseph Explains Pharaoh's Dreams, Genèse 41:1-40
2 MB
 8′ 18″
40. The Birth of Moses, Exode 2:1-10
40. The Birth of Moses, Exode 2:1-10
523 kB
 1′ 58″
41. The Israelites Become Slaves, Exode 1:9-14
41. The Israelites Become Slaves, Exode 1:9-14
391 kB
 1′ 32″
42. The Call of Moses, Exode 3:1-12
42. The Call of Moses, Exode 3:1-12
755 kB
 3′ 14″
43. God Promises Deliverance, Exode 6:2-13
43. God Promises Deliverance, Exode 6:2-13
644 kB
 2′ 36″
44. Moses & Aaron Go To Pharaoh, Exode 7:1-25
44. Moses & Aaron Go To Pharaoh, Exode 7:1-25
1.2 MB
 5′ 24″
45.01. The Plague of Frogs, Exode 8:1-15
45.01. The Plague of Frogs, Exode 8:1-15
772 kB
 3′ 13″
45.02. The Plague of Gnats, Exode 8:16-19
45.02. The Plague of Gnats, Exode 8:16-19
324 kB
 1′ 9″
45.03. The Plague of Flies, Exode 8:20-30
45.03. The Plague of Flies, Exode 8:20-30
760 kB
 3′ 23″
46.01. The Plagues on Lifestock, of Boils & Hail, Ex.9:1-35
46.01. The Plagues on Lifestock, of Boils & Hail, Ex.9:1-35
1.6 MB
 7′ 21″
46.02. The Plagues of Locusts and Darkness, Ex.10:1-29
46.02. The Plagues of Locusts and Darkness, Ex.10:1-29
1.5 MB
 6′ 49″
47. The Plague of the Firstborns, Exode 11:1-10
47. The Plague of the Firstborns, Exode 11:1-10
755 kB
 2′ 58″
48. The Passover, Exode 12:7-33
48. The Passover, Exode 12:7-33
1.6 MB
 6′ 48″
49. The Cloud And The Fire, Exode 13:21-22
49. The Cloud And The Fire, Exode 13:21-22
202 kB
50. Manna and Quail, Exode 16:1-12
50. Manna and Quail, Exode 16:1-12
616 kB
 2′ 35″
51. God Provides Water in the Desert, Exode 17:1-7
51. God Provides Water in the Desert, Exode 17:1-7
469 kB
 1′ 52″
52. The Israelites At Mount Sinai, Exode 19:1-25
52. The Israelites At Mount Sinai, Exode 19:1-25
1.1 MB
 5′ 2″
53. The Ten Commandments, Exode 20:1-17
53. The Ten Commandments, Exode 20:1-17
776 kB
 3′ 10″
56. The Sabbath, Exode 31:12-18
56. The Sabbath, Exode 31:12-18
511 kB
 1′ 57″
58. The Golden Calf, Exode 32:1-35
58. The Golden Calf, Exode 32:1-35
2 MB
 8′ 51″
59. The Promise of the Prophet, Deutoronomy 18:15-19
59. The Promise of the Prophet, Deutoronomy 18:15-19
309 kB
 1′ 11″
61. Exploring Canaan, Nombres 13:17-33
61. Exploring Canaan, Nombres 13:17-33
1 MB
 4′ 48″
64. The Bronze Snake, Nombres 21:4-9
64. The Bronze Snake, Nombres 21:4-9
349 kB
 1′ 28″
65. Balaam's Donkey, Nombres 22:21-41
65. Balaam's Donkey, Nombres 22:21-41
1.1 MB
 5′ 2″
67. The Israelites Eat the Canaanites' Food, Josué 5:10-12
67. The Israelites Eat the Canaanites' Food, Josué 5:10-12
263 kB
68. The Fall of Jericho, Josué 6:1-27
68. The Fall of Jericho, Josué 6:1-27
1.6 MB
 7′ 6″
70.Josué says Goodbye to the People of Sechem,Josh 24:13-18
70.Josué says Goodbye to the People of Sechem,Josh 24:13-18
585 kB
 2′ 20″
74. David Anointed As King, 1 Samuel 16:1-13
74. David Anointed As King, 1 Samuel 16:1-13
997 kB
 4′ 19″
75. The Lord God Sends Nathan to David, 2 Samuel 7:8-17
75. The Lord God Sends Nathan to David, 2 Samuel 7:8-17
675 kB
 2′ 41″
77. Teachings About Curse and Blessing, Jérémie 17:5-10
77. Teachings About Curse and Blessing, Jérémie 17:5-10
323 kB
 1′ 15″
78. Eliah on Mount Carmel, 1 Rois 18:17-39
78. Eliah on Mount Carmel, 1 Rois 18:17-39
1.5 MB
 6′ 46″
79. To Us A Child Is Born, Esaïe 9:2,3a,6 and 7
79. To Us A Child Is Born, Esaïe 9:2,3a,6 and 7
389 kB
 1′ 29″
80. The Suffering King, Esaïe 53:1-12
80. The Suffering King, Esaïe 53:1-12
754 kB
 3′ 12″
81.01. The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, Matthieu 1:1-17
81.01. The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, Matthieu 1:1-17
791 kB
 3′ 22″
81.02 The Birth of Jesus Christ, Matthieu 1:18-25
81.02 The Birth of Jesus Christ, Matthieu 1:18-25
445 kB
 1′ 40″
82. The Birth of Jesus Foretold, Luc 1:26-38
82. The Birth of Jesus Foretold, Luc 1:26-38
677 kB
 2′ 52″
83. Jesus is born, Luc 2:1-7
83. Jesus is born, Luc 2:1-7
309 kB
 1′ 2″
84. The Shepherds' Visit, Luc 2:8-21
84. The Shepherds' Visit, Luc 2:8-21
606 kB
 2′ 42″
85. The Wise Men, Matthieu 2:1-12
85. The Wise Men, Matthieu 2:1-12
582 kB
 2′ 34″
86. Jean the Baptist Prepares the Way, Matthieu 3:1-17
86. Jean the Baptist Prepares the Way, Matthieu 3:1-17
944 kB
 4′ 10″
87. The Lamb of God, Jean 1:29-37
87. The Lamb of God, Jean 1:29-37
349 kB
 1′ 18″
88. Jesus Tempted by Satan, Matthieu 4:1-11
88. Jesus Tempted by Satan, Matthieu 4:1-11
457 kB
 1′ 51″
89. Jesus Begins His Ministry, Matthieu 5:1-12
89. Jesus Begins His Ministry, Matthieu 5:1-12
401 kB
 1′ 32″
90. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus, Jean 3:1-21
90. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus, Jean 3:1-21
843 kB
 3′ 39″
91. The Woman Caught in Adultery, Jean 8:1-11
91. The Woman Caught in Adultery, Jean 8:1-11
503 kB
 2′ 1″
92.01. The Good Samaritan, Luc 10:25-37
92.01. The Good Samaritan, Luc 10:25-37
546 kB
 2′ 23″
92.02. At Mary and Martha's Home, Luc 10:38-42
92.02. At Mary and Martha's Home, Luc 10:38-42
359 kB
 1′ 20″
93. Jesus Calls Some Disciples, Matthieu 4:18-22
93. Jesus Calls Some Disciples, Matthieu 4:18-22
290 kB
 1′ 1″
94. The First Disciples of Jesus, Jean 1:35-51
94. The First Disciples of Jesus, Jean 1:35-51
823 kB
 3′ 36″
95.1 The Demand for a Sign, Matthieu 16:1-12
95.1 The Demand for a Sign, Matthieu 16:1-12
648 kB
 2′ 36″
95.2 Pierre Declares Jesus is the Messiah, Matthieu 16:13-20
95.2 Pierre Declares Jesus is the Messiah, Matthieu 16:13-20
464 kB
 1′ 47″
95.3 Jesus Predicts His Own Death, Matthieu 16:21-28
95.3 Jesus Predicts His Own Death, Matthieu 16:21-28
554 kB
 2′ 11″
97. Jesus Heals the Sick, Matthieu 4:23-25
97. Jesus Heals the Sick, Matthieu 4:23-25
277 kB
98. Jesus Heals a Blind Man, Luc 18:35-43
98. Jesus Heals a Blind Man, Luc 18:35-43
402 kB
 1′ 32″
99.01. Jesus Heals A Demon-possessed Man, Marc 5:1-20
99.01. Jesus Heals A Demon-possessed Man, Marc 5:1-20
886 kB
 3′ 49″
99.02. Salt and Light, Matthieu 5:13-16
99.02. Salt and Light, Matthieu 5:13-16
273 kB
100. Ten Men Healed From Leprosy, Luc 17:12-19
100. Ten Men Healed From Leprosy, Luc 17:12-19
326 kB
 1′ 18″
101. Jesus Heals Many, Matthieu 8:14-17
101. Jesus Heals Many, Matthieu 8:14-17
259 kB
102. Jesus Heals A Man Born Blind, Jean 9:1-12
102. Jesus Heals A Man Born Blind, Jean 9:1-12
485 kB
 2′ 4″
103. Jesus Heals a Demonised Boy, Marc 9:14-29
103. Jesus Heals a Demonised Boy, Marc 9:14-29
749 kB
 3′ 23″
104. Jesus Heals a Paralytic, Matthieu 9:1-8
104. Jesus Heals a Paralytic, Matthieu 9:1-8
380 kB
 1′ 38″
105. Jesus & The Miraculous Catch of Fish, Jean 21:1-14
105. Jesus & The Miraculous Catch of Fish, Jean 21:1-14
824 kB
 3′ 16″
107.01. The Parable of the Lost Sheep, Luc 15:1-7
107.01. The Parable of the Lost Sheep, Luc 15:1-7
383 kB
 1′ 23″
107.02. The Parable of the Lost Coin, Luc 15:8-10
107.02. The Parable of the Lost Coin, Luc 15:8-10
284 kB
107.03. The Parable of Le Fils Perdu, Luc 15:11-24
107.03. The Parable of Le Fils Perdu, Luc 15:11-24
572 kB
 2′ 14″
108. Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman, Luc 7:36-50
108. Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman, Luc 7:36-50
670 kB
 2′ 43″
109.Jesus Raises a Dead Girl&Heals a Sick Woman,Luc 8:40-56
109.Jesus Raises a Dead Girl&Heals a Sick Woman,Luc 8:40-56
811 kB
 3′ 15″
110. Jesus Forgives& Heals A Paralysed Man, Marc 2:1-12
110. Jesus Forgives& Heals A Paralysed Man, Marc 2:1-12
599 kB
 2′ 28″
112. The Authority of the Son, Jean 5:17-26
112. The Authority of the Son, Jean 5:17-26
562 kB
 2′ 10″
113. Jesus Raises Lazarus, Jean 11:32-44
113. Jesus Raises Lazarus, Jean 11:32-44
641 kB
 2′ 43″
114. Jesus Calms the Storm, Matthieu 8:23-27
114. Jesus Calms the Storm, Matthieu 8:23-27
313 kB
 1′ 4″
115. Jesus Feeds the 5000, Luc 9:10-17
115. Jesus Feeds the 5000, Luc 9:10-17
492 kB
 1′ 52″
116. Jesus Walks on the Water, Matthieu 14:22-36
116. Jesus Walks on the Water, Matthieu 14:22-36
684 kB
 3′ 3″
120. Religious Leaders Plan to Kill Jesus, Jean 11:45-53
120. Religious Leaders Plan to Kill Jesus, Jean 11:45-53
437 kB
 1′ 45″
121. The Rich Man & Lazarus, Luc 16:19-31
121. The Rich Man & Lazarus, Luc 16:19-31
672 kB
 2′ 52″
122. The Parable of the Bags of Gold, Matthieu 25:14-30
122. The Parable of the Bags of Gold, Matthieu 25:14-30
894 kB
 3′ 46″
123. Jesus Says: I Am the Way, John14:1-6
123. Jesus Says: I Am the Way, John14:1-6
314 kB
 1′ 4″
124. Listening to Jesus and Follow Him, Matthieu 7:1-29
124. Listening to Jesus and Follow Him, Matthieu 7:1-29
1.1 MB
 5′ 1″
126. Jesus and Zaccheus, Luc 19:1-10
126. Jesus and Zaccheus, Luc 19:1-10
452 kB
 1′ 47″
127. Jesus Blesses the Children, Marc 10:13-16
127. Jesus Blesses the Children, Marc 10:13-16
239 kB
128. The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, Matthieu 18:1-9
128. The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, Matthieu 18:1-9
501 kB
 1′ 54″
129. The Rich & The Kingdom of God, Matthew19:16-30
129. The Rich & The Kingdom of God, Matthew19:16-30
733 kB
 3′ 3″
130. The Lord's Prière
130. The Lord's Prière
329 kB
 1′ 19″
131. Jesus Teaches On Prière, Luc 11:2-4
131. Jesus Teaches On Prière, Luc 11:2-4
230 kB
132. The Parable of the 10 Virgins, Matthieu 25:1-13
132. The Parable of the 10 Virgins, Matthieu 25:1-13
475 kB
 1′ 59″
133. Do Not Worry, Matthieu 6:25-34
133. Do Not Worry, Matthieu 6:25-34
519 kB
 2′ 11″
134. The Transfiguration, Luc 9:28-36
134. The Transfiguration, Luc 9:28-36
494 kB
 1′ 49″
135. Peter's Confession to Christ, Luc 9:18-22
135. Peter's Confession to Christ, Luc 9:18-22
346 kB
 1′ 20″
136. Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King, Matthieu 21:1-11
136. Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King, Matthieu 21:1-11
577 kB
 2′ 21″
138. The Destruction of the Temple, Marc 13:3-13
138. The Destruction of the Temple, Marc 13:3-13
547 kB
 2′ 23″
139. The Lord's Supper, Marc 14:12-16
139. The Lord's Supper, Marc 14:12-16
415 kB
 1′ 30″
140.01. Jesus Anointed At Bethany, Matthieu 26:1-13
140.01. Jesus Anointed At Bethany, Matthieu 26:1-13
622 kB
 2′ 35″
140.02. Judas Agreed to Betray Jesus, Matthieu 26:14-25
140.02. Judas Agreed to Betray Jesus, Matthieu 26:14-25
652 kB
 2′ 50″
140.03. Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial, Matthieu 26:26-35
140.03. Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial, Matthieu 26:26-35
570 kB
 2′ 19″
141. The Last Supper, Luc 22:7-30
141. The Last Supper, Luc 22:7-30
1 MB
 4′ 44″
142.01. Jesus in Gethsemane Matthieu 26:36-46
142.01. Jesus in Gethsemane Matthieu 26:36-46
721 kB
 2′ 56″
142.02. Jesus Gets Arrested Matthieu 26:47-56
142.02. Jesus Gets Arrested Matthieu 26:47-56
627 kB
 2′ 30″
143.01 Jesus On Trial Luc 23:1-12
143.01 Jesus On Trial Luc 23:1-12
585 kB
 2′ 28″
143.02 Jesus Before Pilate and Herod, Luc 23:13-25
143.02 Jesus Before Pilate and Herod, Luc 23:13-25
543 kB
 2′ 8″
144.01. Jesus Before Pilate, Marc 15:1-20
144.01. Jesus Before Pilate, Marc 15:1-20
799 kB
 3′ 14″
144.02. Jesus Is Crucified, Marc 15:21-32
144.02. Jesus Is Crucified, Marc 15:21-32
506 kB
 1′ 54″
145.01 Jesus before Pilate, Matthieu 27:11-14
145.01 Jesus before Pilate, Matthieu 27:11-14
274 kB
 1′ 0″
145.02 The Crucifixion of Jesus, Matthieu 27:3-44
145.02 The Crucifixion of Jesus, Matthieu 27:3-44
541 kB
 2′ 13″
145.03 The Death of Jesus, Mattew 27:45-50
145.03 The Death of Jesus, Mattew 27:45-50
271 kB
145.04 The Burial of Jesus, Matthieu 27:57-66
145.04 The Burial of Jesus, Matthieu 27:57-66
490 kB
 2′ 4″
147. The Resurrection, Matthieu 28:1-15
147. The Resurrection, Matthieu 28:1-15
654 kB
 2′ 35″
148. Jesus Appears to Thomas, Jean 20:24-29
148. Jesus Appears to Thomas, Jean 20:24-29
368 kB
 1′ 30″
149. The Promise of the Holy Spirit&The Ascension,Acts1:3-11
149. The Promise of the Holy Spirit&The Ascension,Acts1:3-11
539 kB
 2′ 1″
150. The Ascension, Luc 24:50-53
150. The Ascension, Luc 24:50-53
191 kB
151. The Great Commission, Matthieu 28:16-20
151. The Great Commission, Matthieu 28:16-20
311 kB
 1′ 4″
152. Peter Talks to the People, Actes 2:36-47
152. Peter Talks to the People, Actes 2:36-47
670 kB
 2′ 38″
153. Philip and the Ethiopian Traveller, Actes 8:26-40
153. Philip and the Ethiopian Traveller, Actes 8:26-40
703 kB
 2′ 55″
154. Love Your Neighbour, Romains 13:8-10
154. Love Your Neighbour, Romains 13:8-10
244 kB
155. The Weak And The Strong, Romains 15:1-6
155. The Weak And The Strong, Romains 15:1-6
351 kB
 1′ 20″
160. The Future of Believers&Unbelievers,Revelations 21:1-8
160. The Future of Believers&Unbelievers,Revelations 21:1-8
626 kB
 2′ 29″
161.1. The River of Life, Apocalypse 22:1-5
161.1. The River of Life, Apocalypse 22:1-5
334 kB
 1′ 17″
161.2. Jesus Is Coming, Apocalypse 22:6-21
161.2. Jesus Is Coming, Apocalypse 22:6-21
974 kB
 4′ 32″
162. Blessed is the One, Psalm 1:1-6
162. Blessed is the One, Psalm 1:1-6
350 kB
 1′ 19″
163. The Choosing of The Seven, Actes 6:1-15
163. The Choosing of The Seven, Actes 6:1-15
901 kB
 3′ 38″
164. The Armour of God, Ephésiens 6:10-20
164. The Armour of God, Ephésiens 6:10-20
615 kB
 2′ 27″
166. The Thousand Years, Apocalypse 20,1-15
166. The Thousand Years, Apocalypse 20,1-15
1.1 MB
 4′ 33″
167. Trials and Temptations, Jacques 1:1-8
167. Trials and Temptations, Jacques 1:1-8
419 kB
 1′ 37″
168. The Work of the Holy Spirit, Jean 16: 5-15
168. The Work of the Holy Spirit, Jean 16: 5-15
525 kB
 2′ 15″
171. The Fall of Babylon, Apocalypse 18:1-24
171. The Fall of Babylon, Apocalypse 18:1-24
1.9 MB
 7′ 47″