Learning the Word of God (Iripã Tsãy Shanenahãu Tapikani) 在 Shanenawa

6.4 MB
29 MB

Mi Rati Ay? (Are you afraid?)
Mi Rati Ay? (Are you afraid?)
390 kB
 1′ 59″
Iripã Xinã Wetsa Wetsay Say Ho (God´s Attributes)
Iripã Xinã Wetsa Wetsay Say Ho (God´s Attributes)
624 kB
 3′ 19″
Iripã Mahu Nãrãnãyhu Shuvimanii (The Creation)
Iripã Mahu Nãrãnãyhu Shuvimanii (The Creation)
736 kB
 3′ 51″
Iripã Nukeveynu Awihu Shuvimanii (The Creation and Fall of Man)
Iripã Nukeveynu Awihu Shuvimanii (The Creation and Fall of Man)
1.1 MB
 5′ 45″
Faytãwãne Utukeyuni (The Flood)
Faytãwãne Utukeyuni (The Flood)
1.1 MB
 5′ 31″
Iripã Siku (The Ten Commandments)
Iripã Siku (The Ten Commandments)
1.2 MB
 6′ 32″
Yumã Txakahãy Mahutxaka Watima (Sacrifice for Sin)
Yumã Txakahãy Mahutxaka Watima (Sacrifice for Sin)
614 kB
 3′ 7″
Yuxi Xarapã Maria Ve Tsãyki (The Angel Talks to Mary)
Yuxi Xarapã Maria Ve Tsãyki (The Angel Talks to Mary)
526 kB
 2′ 34″
Jesus Fakeni (The Birth of Jesus)
Jesus Fakeni (The Birth of Jesus)
357 kB
 1′ 48″
Jesus Ipãunihu (The Ministry of Jesus)
Jesus Ipãunihu (The Ministry of Jesus)
312 kB
 1′ 36″
Peshkuay Yuxi Txakaya Xarani (The Healing of the Possessed)
Peshkuay Yuxi Txakaya Xarani (The Healing of the Possessed)
816 kB
 4′ 10″
Jairo Ne Fuke Nahiash Kayani (The Cure of Jairus' Daughter)
Jairo Ne Fuke Nahiash Kayani (The Cure of Jairus' Daughter)
593 kB
 3′ 4″
Jesus Ritenihu (The Death of Jesus)
Jesus Ritenihu (The Death of Jesus)
644 kB
 3′ 24″
Jesus Nahiash Kayani (The Resurrection of Jesus)
Jesus Nahiash Kayani (The Resurrection of Jesus)
719 kB
 3′ 45″
Tomé Jesus Uyshu Ikuni (Thomas Sees and Touches Jesus)
Tomé Jesus Uyshu Ikuni (Thomas Sees and Touches Jesus)
620 kB
 3′ 16″
Jesus Nay Mera Kay (Jesus Goes to Heaven)
Jesus Nay Mera Kay (Jesus Goes to Heaven)
641 kB
 3′ 23″