Cantiques & Scripture dans Maiadomu

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Sg Only you Jesus yourself
Sg Only you Jesus yourself
468 kB
 2′ 7″
Sg: Ezéchiel the prophet
Sg: Ezéchiel the prophet
1 MB
 4′ 56″
Jean 14:6
Jean 14:6
152 kB
Matthieu 28
Matthieu 28
200 kB
Sg: God you are calling me
Sg: God you are calling me
1.2 MB
 5′ 28″
Marc 4
Marc 4
259 kB
Sg:One day Jesus was walking along the shore of Galilee
Sg:One day Jesus was walking along the shore of Galilee
460 kB
 2′ 3″
Circumcision of the heart Actes 18:6, Deutéronome 30:6
Circumcision of the heart Actes 18:6, Deutéronome 30:6
349 kB
 1′ 31″