| Nhym kam me kumex ne (There was no place) | |
| Jakam dja ba Jeju Kritu katordja a ajarenh (The birth of Jesus) | |
| Kwarik wanh Marij atin pram ket (Mary, do not fear!) | |
| Djao 3: 17 (Johannes 3:17) | |
| Mateu 2: 5-6 (Matthäus 2:5-6) | |
| Mathew 1:22-23 (Matthäus 1:22-23) | |
| Djao 3: 16 (Johannes 3:16) | |
| Mry krendjakam ne arym Jeju ruw (Jesus was born in a manger) | |
| Jeju Kritu dja ruw (Jesus Cristo voltará) | |
| Pyka kuni on tok (Wake up, oh world!) | |
| Kanhetire Kute rwykja amijakre (The star shows where Jesus was born) | |
| Mum akamat (The end of the night) | |
| Metindjywnh Kra (The Son of God) | |
| Ga Jeju anhirao ira (You Jesus, left your glory!) | |
| Jeju ruw Jeju ruw (Jesus was born!) | |
| Mry krendjakam me Bam djwynh Kra nor dja (The manger was the crib of God's son) | |