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Jesus Can Save You (Yeesu ŋūǹ kí fii ni) dans Ntcham

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Jesus is our power ▪ Jesus is bigger than spirit
Jesus is our power ▪ Jesus is bigger than spirit
1.7 MB
 8′ 35″
Jesus is our shelter ▪ The heart of man
Jesus is our shelter ▪ The heart of man
1.4 MB
 6′ 36″
Jesus in my house it is joy ▪ The possessed man
Jesus in my house it is joy ▪ The possessed man
956 kB
 4′ 44″
Jesus saves ▪ The death and resurrection
Jesus saves ▪ The death and resurrection
1.6 MB
 7′ 33″
Jesus won ▪ The rich man and Lazarus
Jesus won ▪ The rich man and Lazarus
1.5 MB
 7′ 21″
I have confidence in only Jesus ▪ The second coming ▪ Jesus says me something ▪ Struck the door and Jesus will open it ▪ Jesus is my delivery ▪ Jesus blesses
I have confidence in only Jesus ▪ The second coming ▪ Jesus says me something ▪ Struck the door and Jesus will open it ▪ Jesus is my delivery ▪ Jesus blesses
3.6 MB
 16′ 45″