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Cantiques w/ SISAALA: Gelibagili dans Sisaala, Tumulung et Sisaala: Gelibagili

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We Praise the Eternal God ▪ Let Us All Praise Him ▪ Jesus Saved Us ▪ The Bonne Nouvelle of Jesus Christ has Reached Us ▪ Our Heavenly Father will Listen to Our Prière ▪ I am Suivre Jésus ▪ Everything is in the Lord's Hands ▪ The Fils Prodigue ▪ Noah ▪ God Calls Us ▪ Call on His Name ▪ Bring Sickness or Worries to Jesus ▪ You Cannot Worship Idols and Follow Christ ▪ We have Put Everything in God's Hands ▪ Thank You Jesus
We Praise the Eternal God ▪ Let Us All Praise Him ▪ Jesus Saved Us ▪ The Bonne Nouvelle of Jesus Christ has Reached Us ▪ Our Heavenly Father will Listen to Our Prière ▪ I am Suivre Jésus ▪ Everything is in the Lord's Hands ▪ The Fils Prodigue ▪ Noah ▪ God Calls Us ▪ Call on His Name ▪ Bring Sickness or Worries to Jesus ▪ You Cannot Worship Idols and Follow Christ ▪ We have Put Everything in God's Hands ▪ Thank You Jesus
7.4 MB
 29′ 22″
I Will Walk Proudly to Heaven Because Jesus Has Called Me ▪ God, In Everything Have Mercy On Us ▪ The All Compassionate God ▪ I Have Given My Everything to God ▪ All Creation Calls God's Name ▪ Jesus is the Lamb of God ▪ Let's Praise God - The All Powerful God ▪ Praise God Always for He is All Powerful ▪ Enemies Attempted to Kill Jesus, But He Lived Every Time ▪ God Calls All of us Together in the True Catholic Church
I Will Walk Proudly to Heaven Because Jesus Has Called Me ▪ God, In Everything Have Mercy On Us ▪ The All Compassionate God ▪ I Have Given My Everything to God ▪ All Creation Calls God's Name ▪ Jesus is the Lamb of God ▪ Let's Praise God - The All Powerful God ▪ Praise God Always for He is All Powerful ▪ Enemies Attempted to Kill Jesus, But He Lived Every Time ▪ God Calls All of us Together in the True Catholic Church
6.9 MB
 28′ 31″