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Matthieu dans Boko

30.7 MB
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377.8 MB
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Audio Seulement

Matthieu 1:1-17
Matthieu 1:1-17
546 kB
 2′ 30″
Matthieu 1:18-25
Matthieu 1:18-25
321 kB
 1′ 13″
Matthieu 2:1-12
Matthieu 2:1-12
398 kB
 1′ 47″
Matthieu 2:13-18
Matthieu 2:13-18
288 kB
 1′ 14″
Matthieu 2:19-23
Matthieu 2:19-23
232 kB
Matthieu 3
Matthieu 3
536 kB
 2′ 35″
Matthieu 4:1-11
Matthieu 4:1-11
318 kB
 1′ 30″
Matthieu 4:12-17
Matthieu 4:12-17
219 kB
Matthieu 4:18-22
Matthieu 4:18-22
208 kB
Matthieu 4:23-25
Matthieu 4:23-25
212 kB
Matthieu 5:1-20
Matthieu 5:1-20
581 kB
 2′ 56″
Matthieu 5:21-48
Matthieu 5:21-48
760 kB
 3′ 48″
Matthieu 6
Matthieu 6
1 MB
 5′ 32″
Matthieu 7
Matthieu 7
800 kB
 4′ 22″
Matthieu 8:1-17
Matthieu 8:1-17
551 kB
 2′ 51″
Matthieu 8:18-34
Matthieu 8:18-34
520 kB
 2′ 32″
Matthieu 9:1-17
Matthieu 9:1-17
575 kB
 3′ 7″
Matthieu 9:18-38
Matthieu 9:18-38
583 kB
 3′ 4″
Matthieu 10
Matthieu 10
1.2 MB
 6′ 41″
Matthieu 11-13 ▪ Chant 5 ▪ Matthieu 14
Matthieu 11-13 ▪ Chant 5 ▪ Matthieu 14
5.7 MB
 29′ 18″
Matthieu 15-17 ▪ Chant 4 ▪ Matthieu 18
Matthieu 15-17 ▪ Chant 4 ▪ Matthieu 18
5.2 MB
 26′ 16″
Matthieu 19:1-12
Matthieu 19:1-12
419 kB
 1′ 55″
Matthieu 19:13-30
Matthieu 19:13-30
592 kB
 3′ 14″
Matthieu 20:1-16
Matthieu 20:1-16
471 kB
 2′ 33″
Matthieu 20:17-28
Matthieu 20:17-28
472 kB
 2′ 25″
Matthieu 20:29-34
Matthieu 20:29-34
224 kB
Matthieu 21:1-17
Matthieu 21:1-17
542 kB
 2′ 42″
Matthieu 21:18-22
Matthieu 21:18-22
236 kB
Matthieu 21:23-32
Matthieu 21:23-32
426 kB
 2′ 11″
Matthieu 21:33-46
Matthieu 21:33-46
443 kB
 2′ 15″
Matthieu 22:1-14
Matthieu 22:1-14
422 kB
 2′ 10″
Matthieu 22:15-33
Matthieu 22:15-33
558 kB
 2′ 56″
Matthieu 22:34-46
Matthieu 22:34-46
319 kB
 1′ 28″
Matthieu 23:1-12
Matthieu 23:1-12
377 kB
 1′ 48″
Matthieu 23:13-39
Matthieu 23:13-39
951 kB
 5′ 30″
Matthieu 24:1-51
Matthieu 24:1-51
1.3 MB
 7′ 55″
Matthieu 25:1-13
Matthieu 25:1-13
348 kB
 1′ 39″
Matthieu 25:14-31
Matthieu 25:14-31
521 kB
 2′ 50″
Matthieu 25:32-46
Matthieu 25:32-46
517 kB
 2′ 50″
Matthieu 26 Part 1
Matthieu 26 Part 1
411 kB
 2′ 8″
Matthieu 26 Part 2
Matthieu 26 Part 2
542 kB
 3′ 5″
Matthieu 26 Part 3
Matthieu 26 Part 3
644 kB
 3′ 47″
Matthieu 26 Part 4
Matthieu 26 Part 4
567 kB
 3′ 18″
Matthieu 27 Part 1
Matthieu 27 Part 1
336 kB
 1′ 43″
Matthieu 27 Part 2
Matthieu 27 Part 2
248 kB
 1′ 8″
Matthieu 27 Part 3
Matthieu 27 Part 3
436 kB
 2′ 22″
Matthieu 27 Part 4
Matthieu 27 Part 4
331 kB
 1′ 44″
Matthieu 27 Part 5
Matthieu 27 Part 5
655 kB
 3′ 44″
Matthieu 28
Matthieu 28
600 kB
 3′ 26″
Chant: A Chant of thanksgiving to Jesus
Chant: A Chant of thanksgiving to Jesus
608 kB
 2′ 31″
Chant: Disobedient people, come and receive Jesus
Chant: Disobedient people, come and receive Jesus
854 kB
 3′ 32″
Chant: Sit with us Lord, the sun is going down
Chant: Sit with us Lord, the sun is going down
828 kB
 3′ 23″
Chant: You will have to leave all the things of the Earth beh
Chant: You will have to leave all the things of the Earth beh
1.2 MB
 5′ 1″
Chant: There is no place like Heaven
Chant: There is no place like Heaven
569 kB
 2′ 20″
Chant: Oh happy day when I was saved
Chant: Oh happy day when I was saved
858 kB
 3′ 36″
Chant: You must not be afraid - your Father cares for you
Chant: You must not be afraid - your Father cares for you
815 kB
 3′ 26″
Chant: We cannot find another Lord like Jesus
Chant: We cannot find another Lord like Jesus
897 kB
 3′ 37″
Chant: We have seen the light in Jesus
Chant: We have seen the light in Jesus
501 kB
 2′ 13″