| 1. Christ is the Living Word, João 1:1-18 | |
| 02. Prologue (Beginning Words), Apocalipse 1:1-3 | |
| 3. Kaoha o mi kori kxao\d, Djxaia 23 (The Lord is My Shepherd, Psalm23) | |
| 04. All Scriptures breathed by God, 2 Timóteo 3:16 | |
| 12. Dshau sa ǂ'angama n!a'an g!ààn, Khurihcue 12:1-17 (The Woman and the Dragon, Apocalipse 12:1-17) | |
| 13. God Speaks, Jó 38:4-7 | |
| 17.01. God brought us from death to life, Efésios 2:1-10 | |
| 17.02. We Are One in Christ, Efésios 2:11-22 | |
| 18. God puts Adam & Eve out of the garden, Gênesis 3:17-24 | |
| 022.01. ǁainǁkxae o !xu ga ǀxoa Noa kota ha !’hansi, Genese 9:1-7 (022.01. God’s covenant with Noah and his sons, Gênesis 9:1-7) | |
| 022.02. !Xu du ǁ'angǁkxae ǀxoa noa, Genese 9:1-8-17 (022.02. God made covenant with Noah, Gênesis 9:8-17) | |
| 23. Tjua kaice gǂa'in nǂau nǀa'an ko Babile (The Tower of Babel, Gênesis 11:1-9) | |
| 24. God's Covenant with Abraham, Gênesis 12:1-7 | |
| 025. Abram Sa Lote sara, Genese 13:1-18 (025. Abram and Lot separate, Gênesis 13:1-18) | |
| 029. Haga kotea Icemaela, Genese 1:1-16 (029. Hagar and Ishmael, Gênesis 16:1-16) | |
| 034.01. Josefa, Genese 37:1-11 (034.01. Joseph, Gênesis 37:1-11) | |
| 034.02.Josepa !osin ku nǂaiǁama ha, Genese 37:12-36 (034.02. Joseph Sold by his Brothers, Gênesis 37:12-36) | |
| Gǁaia o Moses ga, Ekesodo 2:1-10 (40. The Birth of Moses, Êxodo 2:1-10) | |
| Te Jusa Iseraelahisi Nǀang ǁahkoes (The Israelites Became Slaves, Êxodo 1:8-14) | |
| God Calls Moses, Êxodo 3:1-12 | |
| 48.1 The Passover, Êxodo 12:20 | |
| 48.2 The Deliverance Lamb (Passover Lamb), Êxodo 12:21-33 | |
| 48.3 The Êxodo, Êxodo 12:34-45 | |
| 49. Pillars of Cloud & Fire, Êxodo 13:17-22 | |
| 050. Kaoha ǁkoatsi 'msi ko ǁama nǀa'an, Exode 16:1-12 (050. The Lord brought food from above, Êxodo 16:1-12) | |
| 53. The Ten Commandments, Êxodo 20:1-17 | |
| 055. Kurutcia so gesia gaqa’au ye o ¡Xuga, Exodo 25:1-14 (055. Materials for building a holy place for God, Ex 25:1-14) | |
| 058.01. Gumimao gautamaa, Exode 32:1-35 (058.01. The Golden Calf, Êxodo 32:1-35) | |
| 59. \s Mose nǂoun ju ko Porofete ha !xu ǁkxoatsi ǀansi (59. The Promise of a Mediator, Deut.18:15-19) | |
| 60. Moses hands over to Josué to lead, Deuteronômio 31:1-8 | |
| 063. G!ua ǁama n!um koea, Numbers 20:1-13 (063. Water from the Rock, Números 20:1-13) | |
| 071. Kaoha !Xu !au Samuele, 1 Samuele 3:1-14 (071. The Lord God calls Samuel, 1 Samuel 3:1-14) | |
| 73. Daniel in the Lion's Den, Daniel 6 | |
| 075.Dafite ǀan ha !han ku ǁhai ka ǀoa nǂai!un, 2 Samuele 7:8-17 (075. David's son to rule forever, 2 Samuel 7:8-17) | |
| 77. The Call of Jeremias, Jeremias 17:5-18 | |
| 82. The Birth of Jesus Foretold, Lucas 1:26-38 | |
| 83. The Birth of Jesus, Lucas 2:1-7 | |
| 084. /ho’oa o Kurikxao ga, Luka 2:8-21 (084. The Shepherds' Visit, Lucas 2:8-21) | |
| 85. Visitors from the East, Mateus 2:1-12 | |
| N!aroh ko /xom !'o, Mataio 5:1-12 (89. Jesus Teaches People On the Mountain, Mateus 5:1-12) | |
| 90. You Must Be Born Again, João 3:1-21 | |
| 91. The Woman Caught in Adultery, João 8:2-11 | |
| 92.01 The Good Samaritan, Lucas 10:25-37 | |
| 92.02 At the home of Mary and Martha, Lucas 10:38-42 | |
| 104. Yesu ǁaeǀan te ǂum !hoan ha N!om, Mataio 9:1-8 (104. Jesus Forgives and heals a Paralysed Man, Mateus 9:1-8) | |
| 105.01. Guua !ang, Luka 15:1-10 (105.01The Parables of the Lost Sheep & Lost Coin, Luk15:1-10) | |
| 105.02. !'Han n!'an, Luka 15:11-32 (105.02. O filho perdido, Lucas 15:11-32) | |
| 106. God calls the thirsty people, Isaías 55:1-13 | |
| 108. Dshaua kxaeǀkausi ǂxaua Yeso ko nǀai, Luka 7:36-50 (108. A Sinful Woman Anoints Jesus, Lucas 7:36-50) | |
| 109. Yesu dutsau Dshauma, Te ǂum Dshau, Mataio 9:18-26 (109.Jesus Raises a Dead Girl&Heals a Sick Woman,Matt 9:18-26) | |
| 112. !xu ku ǀa ha !han ko gǀao, Johane 5:17-26 (112.01. God Gives Authority to His Son, João 5:17-26) | |
| 113. Yeso dutsaua Lasaro ko !ai, Johane 11:32-44 (113. Jesus Raises Lazarus from the dead, João 11:32-44) | |
| 119. ǁKoakxao sa gea Nǀangǁxara n!ang, Mataio 20:1-16 (119. The Workers in the Vineyard, Mateus 20:1-16) | |
| 120. Zamma o Yesu !hunga, Johane 11:45-53 (120. The Plot to Kill Jesus, João 11:45-53) | |
| ǁxara O I !xare Ga - Mataio 7:1-12 (Judging Others, Mateus 7:1-12) | |
| G!a’amasia ǁahmm ǀxoa Ka Cao - Mataio 7:13-20 (The Narrow And Wide Gates, Matt 7:13-20) | |
| Nǂai !'han O ǁxamkxaosa O Djiheasii - Mataio 7:21-27 (Warning against False Disciples, Mateus 7:21-27) | |
| 128.01. Hane Kxae ǂXaisi, Mataio 18:1-9 (128.01. Who has the highest position, Mateus 18:1-9) | |
| 129. ǁaekxaoma g!aing ǁai, Mataio 19:16-22 (129. The Rich, Young Ruler, Mateus 19:16-22) | |
| 131. Yeso ku n!haro ǀXom, Luka 11:1-13 (Jesus Teaches about Oração, Lucas 11:1-13) | |
| 133.01. Nǁa ǂain gǀaoh tcisa a kxoa, Mataio 6:25-34 (133.01. Don’t worry about what you need, Mateus 6:25-34) | |
| 134. Jesus's face&colthes change&became shining, Luk 9:28-36 | |
| 138. Nǁa ǂain gǀaoh tcisa a kxoa, Marko 13:3-13 (138.Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple,Mk 13:3-13) | |
| 141.01. ǁxamkxaosi kxuniǀan paseka mmsi, Luka 22:7-13 (141.01. The disciples prepare for the Passover, Lucas 22:7-13) | |
| 141.02. Mmha o !oaga ye o kaohaga, Luka 22:14-23 (141.02. The Lord's supper, Lucas 22:14-23) | |
| 141.03. ǂuinakoea o hanee o ǂakxao, Luka 22:24-30 (141.03. 141.03. Argument about who's the leader,Luke22:24-30) | |
| 142.01. Yesu ǀXumma Getesemane Koea, Mataio 26:36-46 (142.01. Jesus Prays At Gethsemane, Mateus 26:36-46) | |
| 142.02. Jesus Arrested, Mateus 26:47-56 | |
| 145.01. Yeso koh ǂunǂuna haǀe’e ko Pilato ǀa!anga, Mataio 27:11-14 (145.01. Jesus was accused before Pilate, Mateus 27: 11-14) | |
| 145.02. Dsiha o Yesuga, Mataio 27:32-44 (145.02. The Crucifixion of Jesus, Mateus 27:32-44) | |
| 145.03. !aia o Yesuga, Mataio 27:45-50 (145.03. The Death of Jesus, Mateus 27:45-50) | |
| 145.04. Kxunia o Yesuga, Mataio 27:57-66 (145.04. The Burial of Jesus, Mateus 27: 57-66) | |
| 147. The Resurrection of Jesus, Lucas 24:1-12 | |
| 148. Jesus and Thomas, João 20:24-29 | |
| 149. The Ascension of Jesus, Atos dos Apóstolos 1:1-11 | |
| The Ascension of Jesus, Lucas 24:50-53 | |
| 151. Ha tcere Yeso ǁXamkxaosi ǂ'aun du, Mataio 28:16-20 (What the Followers of Jesus must do, Mateus 28:16-20) | |
| 160. The New Heaven & The New Earth, Apocalipse 21:1-8 | |
| 161.1 The River of the Water of Life, Apocalipse 22:1-5 | |
| 161.2 João and the Angel, Apocalipse 22:6-21 | |
| 162. There are two ways - which one do you follow? Psalm 1 | |
| 163.01. Wikxao sao !o;a yeo ǀxumtjua hisi (163.01. Seven helpers for the house of Oração, Atos dos Apóstolos 6:1-7) | |
| 163.02. Stefani nǁang ha ǀe’e (163.02. Stephan is arrested, Atos dos Apóstolos 6:8-15) | |
| 164.01. !xai waqnsa o ǂxoagasi sa ǁama !xu koea, Ephicensi 6:10-20 (164.01. All attire of defence from God, Efésios 6:10-20) | |
| 171. !xu kxuia juǀhon!ang o Babylon,Khuricue 18:1-24 (171. God destroys the city of Babylon, Apocalipse 18) | |
| 026.01. ǀkxaekxao sao n!ani, Genese 18:1-21 (026.01. Three Visitors, Gen 18:1-21) | |
| 026.02. Abrahama ko ǀxomǀan Sodoma, Genese 18:22-33 (026.02. Abraham prays for Sodom, Gênesis 18:22-33) | |