| 004. Jesus nomukazendu omusamaria, Johanes 4 5-30 (004. Jesus Talks to a Samaritan Woman, 约翰福音 4:5-30) | |
| 009. Jesus ma verukisa omundu nguwa kwatwa omupotu, Johanes 9 1-38 (009. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind, 约翰福音 9:1-38) | |
| 010. Jesus Omurise Omuwa, Johanes 10 1-7 (010. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, 约翰福音 10:1-7) | |
| 011. Ondiro Ja Lasarus, Johannes 11 (011. The Story of Lazarus, 约翰福音 11) | |
| 021. Jesus meriraisa kovahongeua hambombari, Johanes 21:1-14 (021. Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish, 约翰福音 21:1-14) | |