| Samuel Anointed David as King | |
| 圣歌: The Goodness of God in Sending His Son | |
| 圣歌: Come to Worship The Throne | |
| 圣歌: Praise God for Giving Us His Son | |
| King Solomon Asks for Wisdom | |
| 圣歌: Challenge To Do God's Work | |
| Jesus Predicts His Death - Mk 10: 32-45 | |
| The Last Supper Mk 14: 10-26 | |
| Jesus and Pilate Mk 15: 1-59 | |
| 圣歌: With All My Heart I Come To You | |
| The Crucifixion of Jesus - Mk 15: 16-39, 43-46 | |
| Jesus is Alive - 路加福音 24: 36-47 | |
| Jesus Goes to Heaven - 使徒行传 1 | |