| Aqlaγ Nezzid d Agraw (圖3: 創造 ▪ Life of the Church) | |
| Ewtet Afus (圖12: 神所應許的救主 ▪ Clap Your Hands) | |
| Ewtet Afus (圖13: 耶穌降生 ▪ Clap Your Hands) | |
| Nniy Awen, Ferhet (圖18: 耶穌復活 ▪ I Tell You, Rejoice) | |
| Ewtet Afus (圖23: 神的兒女 ▪ Clap Your Hands) | |
| Nekni Darraw n Tafat (圖26: 行在光明中 ▪ Live in the Light) | |
| Nniy Awen Ferhet (圖34: 信徒患病 ▪ I Tell You, Rejoice) | |
| Aqlaγ Nezzid d Agraw (圖36: 互為肢體 ▪ Life of the Church) | |
| Assed, Assed (圖38: 耶穌再來 ▪ Come back, come back Jesus) | |
| How to Hear More about the Lord Jesus | |