| Orum gusung gai buhdatth zhukdendh vutt buh Vuttuk ng Yesu (From 藉基督创造万有) | |
| Lemshi ko warr? (God or Baal) | |
| Leave satan and follow Jesus | |
| Aburte chikkabi (Fear Not) | |
| Pattigam tari womtt burte (不用惧怕) | |
| Wom burte kh Lemshi (Fear God) | |
| One day we shall see Jesus | |
| Vamtt tar toh ng sori (Deliverance from Demons) | |
| Zem zwak tsom (Choosing the Right Road) | |
| Tsom ng voni (The Good Road) | |
| We are going back to our heavenly home | |