| Je Te Fais Confiance Ne M’Oublie Pas (chant) et 소개 | |
| Image 01: Une famille quitte à cause de la famine (그림 1. A Family Flees from Famine) | |
| Image 02: Naomi et 룻기 retourne en Israel (그림 2. Naomi and 룻기 Return to Israel) | |
| Image 03: 룻기 dans les champs de récoltes (그림 3. 룻기 in The Harvest Field) | |
| Image 04: 룻기 et Boaz sur l’air de battage (그림 4. 룻기 and Boaz at the Threshing Floor) | |
| Image 05: Boaz et les grands de Bethelhem (그림 5. Boaz and the Elders of Bethlehem) | |
| Image 06: Marie et l’ange de Dieu (그림 6. Mary and the Angel of God) | |
| Image 07: Anne adresse la prière à Dieu (그림 7. Hannah Prays to God) | |
| Image 08: L’enfant Samuel dans la maison de Dieu (그림 8. The Child Samuel in the House of God) | |
| Image 09: Samuel prie pour Israel (그림 9. Samuel Prays for Israel) | |
| Image 10: Samuel oint Saûl avec l’huile (그림 10. Samuel Anoints Saul with Oil) | |
| Image 11: Désobéissance de Saûl (그림 11. Saul Tears Samuel's Robe) | |
| Image 12: Jésus dans la maison de Dieu (그림 12. Jesus in the House of God) | |
| Quelle sera la fin de ma course? (Chant) et Image 13 (그림 13. David, The Brave Shepherd) | |
| Image 14: David et le géant (그림 14. David and the Giant) | |
| Image 15: Saûl tente de tuer David (그림 15. Saul Tries to Kill David) | |
| Image 16: David épargne la vie du Saûl (그림 16. David Spares Saul's Life) | |
| Image 17: David est élu roi (그림 17. David is Made King) | |
| Image 18: David et Batchéba (그림 18. David and Bathsheba) | |
| Image 19: La maison pour Dieu (그림 19. A House for God) | |
| Image 20: Jésus vint à Jérousalem (그림 20. Jesus Comes into Jerusalem) | |
| Image 21: Les oiseaux nourrissent Elie (그림 21. The Birds Feed Elijah) | |
| Image 22: Elie et le feu de Dieu (그림 22. Elijah and the Fire of God) | |
| Image 23: Elie est monté au ciel (그림 23. Elijah Goes to Heaven) | |
| Image 24: Elie avec Jésus et Moise (그림 24. Elijah with Jesus and Moses) | |