| Introduction → Taaneet (Introdução) | |
| Pic 1 → Kuruutoochini Naaman Kaytaap Elisha (Quadro 1. Naaman Visits Elisha's House) | |
| Pic 2 → Kumii Naaman Ayneet (Quadro 2. Naaman in the River ) | |
| Pic 3 → Elisha Ak Lukeetaap Iyiin (Quadro 3. Elisha and the Army of God) | |
| Pic 4 → Elisha Ak Lukeet Nyi Kiikoraat (Quadro 4. Elisha and the Blind Army) | |
| Pic 5 → Kiimute Ak Kiipookyini Samaria (Quadro 5. The Siege of Samaria) | |
| Pic 6 → Piiko Ang’nan Chu Kiitinye Konjoryoo (Quadro 6. The Four Lepers) | |
| Pic 7 → Kumweye Choona Im Weli Mii Iyiin (Quadro 7. Jonas flees from God) | |
| Pic 8 → Choona AK Samakyaandeet (Quadro 8. Jonas and the Great Fish) | |
| Pic 9 → Kumii Choona Ninawi (Quadro 9. Jonas at Nineveh ) | |
| Pic 10 → Esta Ak Laitoryaa (Quadro 10. Ester and the King) | |
| Pic 11 → Kutaye Modekai Kung’uruuch (Quadro 11. Mordecai Refuses to Bow Down) | |
| Pic 12 → Amcheetaat Esta (Quadro 12. Ester's Feast ) | |
| Introduction → Taaneet (Introdução) | |
| Pic 13 → Daniel Ak Choronookyii (Quadro 13. Daniel and His Friends) | |
| Pic 14 → Daniel Ak Laitoryaandeetaap Papuloon (Quadro 14. Daniel and the King of Babylon) | |
| Pic 15 → Itoondaap Taapu (Quadro 15. The Image of Gold) | |
| Pic 16 → Ma Nyi Kiing’erchech (Quadro 16. The Furnace of Fire) | |
| Pic 17 → Kusaae Daniel Iyiin (Quadro 17. Daniel Prays to God ) | |
| Pic 18 → Kumii Daniel Kepeeneetaap Ng’etuuny (Quadro 18. Daniel in the Lions' Den) | |
| Pic 19 → Kumii Nehemiah Taa-uutaap Laitoriat Nyi Kiim (Quadro 19. Neemias Before the Great King) | |
| Pic 20 → Kuroyi Nehemiah Nganaseet Nyi Kiiking’em (Quadro 20. Neemias Inspects the Ruined City ) | |
| Pic 21 → Keeteche Neyeetiik (Quadro 21. Building the Walls) | |
| Pic 22 → Kusomane Ezra Ng’atuutyet (Quadro 22. Esdras Reads the Law) | |
| Pic 23 → Kumii Cheeso Kimurtooyoot (Quadro 23. Jesus on the Cross) | |
| Pic 24 → Kupooru Cheeso Oreet Nyipo Sopoondaap Kipchuulyo (Quadro 24. Jesus Shows the Way to Everlasting Life) | |