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Paroles de Vie 1 dans Talaandig-Binukid

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Fear Not ▪ Creation and Redemption of Man ▪ Come to the Saviour ▪ Sin ▪ Christ Our Mediator ▪ Take the Name of Jesus ▪ Prière
Fear Not ▪ Creation and Redemption of Man ▪ Come to the Saviour ▪ Sin ▪ Christ Our Mediator ▪ Take the Name of Jesus ▪ Prière
6.1 MB
 25′ 25″
Story of the Saviour ▪ I'd Rather Have Jesus ▪ Are You Going to Heaven? ▪ The Ten Virgins ▪ Prepare for the Future ▪ Softly and Tenderly ▪ Victorious Living
Story of the Saviour ▪ I'd Rather Have Jesus ▪ Are You Going to Heaven? ▪ The Ten Virgins ▪ Prepare for the Future ▪ Softly and Tenderly ▪ Victorious Living
6 MB
 25′ 44″