Words of Life 4 in Rendille

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The Lost Sheep ▪ The Lord is My Shepherd ▪ The Lost Coin ▪ The Lost Son ▪ Jesus is God ▪ Peter's Denial Foretold ▪ The Arrest of Jesus ▪ Peter's Denial of Jesus ▪ Jesus Tried by the Authorities
The Lost Sheep ▪ The Lord is My Shepherd ▪ The Lost Coin ▪ The Lost Son ▪ Jesus is God ▪ Peter's Denial Foretold ▪ The Arrest of Jesus ▪ Peter's Denial of Jesus ▪ Jesus Tried by the Authorities
2.8 MB
 12′ 36″
Jesus Before Pilate ▪ Jesus is Crucified ▪ Jesus is Buried ▪ Jesus Rose From the Dead ▪ Jesus Appears to His Disciples ▪ Jesus Ascends to Heaven ▪ Jesus Will Rule in Heaven
Jesus Before Pilate ▪ Jesus is Crucified ▪ Jesus is Buried ▪ Jesus Rose From the Dead ▪ Jesus Appears to His Disciples ▪ Jesus Ascends to Heaven ▪ Jesus Will Rule in Heaven
2.8 MB
 12′ 32″