ሰላም! እንኳን ደህና መጣህ. ልትሰሙት የፈለጋችሁት ከምትሰሙት በጣም አስፈላጊ ቃላት ጥቂቶቹ ናቸው። ለሁሉም ሰው መልካም ዜና ነው።

የሕይወት ቃላት ውስጥ Samogho: Dyanka

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ኦዲዮ ብቻ

Who is He? - 1
Who is He? - 1
815 kB
 3′ 36″
Who is He? - 2
Who is He? - 2
631 kB
 2′ 40″
You Must Be Born Again
You Must Be Born Again
821 kB
 3′ 36″
The Saviour of the World
The Saviour of the World
824 kB
 3′ 28″
The Two Masters
The Two Masters
715 kB
 3′ 8″
Small Sin, Big Damage
Small Sin, Big Damage
674 kB
 3′ 8″
Do Not Be Afraid
Do Not Be Afraid
721 kB
 3′ 15″
Jesus is the Best Friend
Jesus is the Best Friend
846 kB
 3′ 33″
The Good Samaritan
The Good Samaritan
731 kB
 3′ 10″
ምሳሌ 28:13
ምሳሌ 28:13
715 kB
 3′ 26″
Glory to God
Glory to God
781 kB
 3′ 17″
The Rich Fool
The Rich Fool
628 kB
 2′ 43″