The Living Christ - Lessons 1 - 3 dans Swahili [Kenya]

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Introduction ▪ Music ▪ Introduction Lesson 1 ▪ Image 1 (Image 5. God's Promise to Abraham) ▪ Image 2 (Image 7. The Angel Speaks to Mary) ▪ Image 3 (Image 8. The Angel and Joseph) ▪ Image 4 (Image 9. The Birth of Jesus) ▪ Image 5 (Image 10. The Shepherds and the Angels) ▪ Image 6 (Image 11. The Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus) ▪ Image 7 (Image 12. Simeon Prophesies about Jesus) ▪ Image 8 (Image 13. The Visit of the Wise Men) ▪ Image 9 (Image 19. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus) ▪ Lesson 2 Image Nombres ▪ Introduction Lesson 2 ▪ Image 1 (Image 58. The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ) ▪ Image 2 (Image 90. Parable of the Wicked Tenants) ▪ Image 3 (Image 97. Jesus Anointed at Bethany) ▪ Image 4 (Image 98. Judas Iscariot Betrays Jesus) ▪ Image 5 (Image 100. Teaching at the Last Supper)
Introduction ▪ Music ▪ Introduction Lesson 1 ▪ Image 1 (Image 5. God's Promise to Abraham) ▪ Image 2 (Image 7. The Angel Speaks to Mary) ▪ Image 3 (Image 8. The Angel and Joseph) ▪ Image 4 (Image 9. The Birth of Jesus) ▪ Image 5 (Image 10. The Shepherds and the Angels) ▪ Image 6 (Image 11. The Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus) ▪ Image 7 (Image 12. Simeon Prophesies about Jesus) ▪ Image 8 (Image 13. The Visit of the Wise Men) ▪ Image 9 (Image 19. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus) ▪ Lesson 2 Image Nombres ▪ Introduction Lesson 2 ▪ Image 1 (Image 58. The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ) ▪ Image 2 (Image 90. Parable of the Wicked Tenants) ▪ Image 3 (Image 97. Jesus Anointed at Bethany) ▪ Image 4 (Image 98. Judas Iscariot Betrays Jesus) ▪ Image 5 (Image 100. Teaching at the Last Supper)
6.2 MB
 29′ 34″
Music ▪ Image 6 (Image 102. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane) ▪ Image 7 (Image 103. Jesus Arrested) ▪ Image 8 (Image 104. Jesus Tried Before the High Priest) ▪ Image 9 (Image 106. Jesus Tried Before Pilate) ▪ Image 107. Jesus Led Out to be Crucified ▪ Image 11 (Image 108. The Crucifixion) ▪ Ending (Introduction) ▪ Lesson 3 Image Nombres ▪ Introduction Lesson 3 ▪ Image 108. The Crucifixion ▪ Image 109. The Burial of Jesus ▪ Image 110. The Women at the Tomb ▪ Image 111. Peter and Jean at the Empty Tomb ▪ Image 112. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene ▪ Image 113. Jesus on the Road to Emmaus ▪ Image 114. Jesus Appears to His Disciples ▪ Image 115. Jesus Appears to Thomas ▪ Image 116. Jesus Appears in Galilee ▪ Image 117. Jesus Commissions His Disciples ▪ Image 118. Jesus Ascends into Heaven ▪ Image 119. Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven
Music ▪ Image 6 (Image 102. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane) ▪ Image 7 (Image 103. Jesus Arrested) ▪ Image 8 (Image 104. Jesus Tried Before the High Priest) ▪ Image 9 (Image 106. Jesus Tried Before Pilate) ▪ Image 107. Jesus Led Out to be Crucified ▪ Image 11 (Image 108. The Crucifixion) ▪ Ending (Introduction) ▪ Lesson 3 Image Nombres ▪ Introduction Lesson 3 ▪ Image 108. The Crucifixion ▪ Image 109. The Burial of Jesus ▪ Image 110. The Women at the Tomb ▪ Image 111. Peter and Jean at the Empty Tomb ▪ Image 112. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene ▪ Image 113. Jesus on the Road to Emmaus ▪ Image 114. Jesus Appears to His Disciples ▪ Image 115. Jesus Appears to Thomas ▪ Image 116. Jesus Appears in Galilee ▪ Image 117. Jesus Commissions His Disciples ▪ Image 118. Jesus Ascends into Heaven ▪ Image 119. Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven
5.9 MB
 29′ 21″