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Stories about Jesus, the Son of God (A´té õ'akɨhɨ Makɨ kitiniî') dans Tucano (Brazil)

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Words of encouragement to listen to the Word of God
Words of encouragement to listen to the Word of God
333 kB
 1′ 13″
The birth of Jesus foretold (Image 12: L'Ange Et Marie)
The birth of Jesus foretold (Image 12: L'Ange Et Marie)
802 kB
 3′ 14″
The birth of Jesus (Image 13: La Naissance De Jésus)
The birth of Jesus (Image 13: La Naissance De Jésus)
1.1 MB
 4′ 30″
The boy Jesus at the temple (Image 14: Jesus Enfant)
The boy Jesus at the temple (Image 14: Jesus Enfant)
1.1 MB
 4′ 40″
The resurrection of Jairus' daughter (Image 15: Les Miracles De Jesus)
The resurrection of Jairus' daughter (Image 15: Les Miracles De Jesus)
1 MB
 4′ 21″
The healing of the woman with blood flow
The healing of the woman with blood flow
1.1 MB
 5′ 6″
The narrow and wide way (Image 22: Les Deux Chemins)
The narrow and wide way (Image 22: Les Deux Chemins)
1.6 MB
 6′ 35″
The Good Samaritan (Image 29: Aimez Vos Ennemis)
The Good Samaritan (Image 29: Aimez Vos Ennemis)
992 kB
 4′ 4″
The healing of the possessed Gadarene (Image 31: Les Demons Sont Chasses)
The healing of the possessed Gadarene (Image 31: Les Demons Sont Chasses)
1.5 MB
 6′ 30″
The parable of Le Fils Perdu (Image 33: Si Nous Pechons)
The parable of Le Fils Perdu (Image 33: Si Nous Pechons)
2.2 MB
 9′ 29″
Imprisonment, death and resurrection of Jesus (Image 18: La Resurrection De Jesus)
Imprisonment, death and resurrection of Jesus (Image 18: La Resurrection De Jesus)
2.5 MB
 10′ 0″
Jean 14:1-3
Jean 14:1-3
280 kB