Halló! Velkominn. Það sem þú ert að fara að heyra eru einhver mikilvægustu orð sem þú munt nokkurn tíma heyra. Það eru góðar fréttir fyrir alla.
Forrit í Pijin
Góðar fréttir
43 mín
LLL 1 Byrjar á Guði
34 mín
LLL 2 voldugir menn Guðs
35 mín
LLL 3 Sigur í gegnum GUÐ
30 mín
LLL 4 Þjónar Guðs
34 mín
LLL 5 Á reynslu fyrir GUÐ
34 mín
LLL 6 JESÚS - Kennari og heilari
32 mín
LLL 7 JESÚS - Drottinn og frelsari
33 mín
LLL 8 athafnir heilags anda
30 mín
The Lifandi Kristur lærdómur 6,7,11
56 mín
Fasubu Pan Pipe Band
38 mín
41 mín
Christian Family
32 mín
Know Your Bible - Elisha Study (Save Long Bible Blong You - Elaesa Stadi)
139 mín
Know Your Bible - Galatians Study (Save Long Bible Blong You - Galesia Stadi)
132 mín
Know Your Bible - God's Women Study 1 (Plande Moa Long Olketa Woman Blong God 1)
37 mín
Know Your Bible - God's Women Study 2 (Plande Moa Long Olketa Woman Blong God 2)
23 mín
Know Your Bible - God's Women Study 3 (Plande Moa Long Olketa Woman Blong God 3)
26 mín
Know Your Bible - God's Women Study 5 (Plande Moa Long Olketa Woman Blong God 5)
19 mín
Know Your Bible - Mark Study 1 (Save Long Bible Blong You - Mak Stadi 1)
13 mín
Know Your Bible - Mark Study 2 (Save Long Bible Blong You - Mak Stadi 2)
15 mín
Know Your Bible - Mark Study 3 (Save Long Bible Blong You - Mak Stadi 3)
16 mín
Know Your Bible - Mark Study 4 (Save Long Bible Blong You - Mak Stadi 4)
19 mín
Know Your Bible - Mark Study 5 (Save Long Bible Blong You - Mak Stadi 5)
17 mín
Know Your Bible - Mark Study 6 (Save Long Bible Blong You - Mak Stadi 6)
24 mín
Know Your Bible - Mark Study 7 (Save Long Bible Blong You - Mak Stadi 7)
21 mín
Know Your Bible - Mark Study 8 (Save Long Bible Blong You - Mak Stadi 8)
17 mín
Know Your Bible - Mark Study 9 (Save Long Bible Blong You - Mak Stadi 9)
16 mín
Know Your Bible - Ruth Study 1 (Save Long Bible Blong You - Rut Stadi 1)
15 mín
Know Your Bible - Ruth Study 2 (Save Long Bible Blong You - Rut Stadi 2)
15 mín
Know Your Bible - Ruth Study 3 (Save Long Bible Blong You - Rut Stadi 3)
20 mín
Aðrar auðlindir:
The Jesus Story (audiodrama) - Pijin
Jesus Film Project
Jesus Film Project films - Pijin
Jesus Film Project
The New Testament - Pijin
Faith Comes By Hearing