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Know Your Bible - Galatians Study (Save Long Bible Blong You - Galesia Stadi) in Pijin
14.9 MB
67.7 MB
Slideshow Video
Audio Only
KYB Introduction Study - Galatians
510 kB
2′ 17″
KYB Study - Galatians 1
2.8 MB
13′ 19″
KYB Study - Galatians 2
3 MB
14′ 59″
KYB Study - Galatians 3
2.8 MB
14′ 37″
KYB Study - Galatians 4
2.6 MB
13′ 54″
KYB Study - Galatians 5
2.5 MB
14′ 7″
KYB Study - Galatians 6
3.3 MB
17′ 45″
KYB Study - Galatians 7
2.4 MB
13′ 6″
KYB Study - Galatians 8
3.1 MB
16′ 37″
KYB Study - Galatians 9
2.1 MB
11′ 59″