스크립쳐 - Luke, Matthew 안의 투르크멘어

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The Lost Sheep (누가복음 15:1-7)
The Lost Sheep (누가복음 15:1-7)
316 kB
 1′ 6″
The Lost Coin (누가복음 15:8-10)
The Lost Coin (누가복음 15:8-10)
140 kB
잃어버린 아들 (누가복음 15:11-32)
잃어버린 아들 (누가복음 15:11-32)
801 kB
 3′ 8″
The Good Samaritan (누가복음 10:25-37)
The Good Samaritan (누가복음 10:25-37)
418 kB
 1′ 47″
The Centurion's Servant (누가복음 7:1-17)
The Centurion's Servant (누가복음 7:1-17)
553 kB
 2′ 20″
The Unjust Judge (누가복음 18:1-14)
The Unjust Judge (누가복음 18:1-14)
515 kB
 2′ 12″
The Sower (마태복음 13:1-23)
The Sower (마태복음 13:1-23)
778 kB
 3′ 18″
The Beatitudes (누가복음 6:17-49)
The Beatitudes (누가복음 6:17-49)
1.2 MB
 5′ 17″
The Three Miracles (누가복음 5:1-26)
The Three Miracles (누가복음 5:1-26)
983 kB
 4′ 7″
The Waves Stilled (누가복음 8:22-25)
The Waves Stilled (누가복음 8:22-25)
223 kB
The Gadarene Healed (누가복음 8:26-39)
The Gadarene Healed (누가복음 8:26-39)
677 kB
 2′ 36″
Jairus' Daughter Raised (누가복음 8:40-56)
Jairus' Daughter Raised (누가복음 8:40-56)
506 kB
 2′ 8″
The Temptation of Christ (누가복음 4:1-21)
The Temptation of Christ (누가복음 4:1-21)
954 kB
 4′ 7″