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Luke (Selections) dans Shughni

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Birth of Christ Luc 2
Birth of Christ Luc 2
1.8 MB
 7′ 12″
Great Catch of Fish Luc 5:1-11
Great Catch of Fish Luc 5:1-11
509 kB
 1′ 44″
Healing at a Distance, Raising the Dead Luc 7:1-17
Healing at a Distance, Raising the Dead Luc 7:1-17
724 kB
 2′ 35″
Peace, Be Still Luc 8:22-25
Peace, Be Still Luc 8:22-25
310 kB
Feeding of the Five Thousand Luc 9:10-17
Feeding of the Five Thousand Luc 9:10-17
453 kB
 1′ 29″
Good Samaritan Luc 10:25-37
Good Samaritan Luc 10:25-37
604 kB
 2′ 8″
Prière Luc 11:1-13
Prière Luc 11:1-13
506 kB
 1′ 45″
The Great Supper Luc 14:15-24
The Great Supper Luc 14:15-24
448 kB
 1′ 30″
The Fils Prodigue Luc 15:11-32
The Fils Prodigue Luc 15:11-32
847 kB
 3′ 8″
Healing of Blind Man Luc 18:35-43
Healing of Blind Man Luc 18:35-43
349 kB
 1′ 5″
The Crucifixion, and the Thief on the Cross Luc 23:26-49
The Crucifixion, and the Thief on the Cross Luc 23:26-49
928 kB
 3′ 29″
The Women at the Tomb Luc 24:1-11
The Women at the Tomb Luc 24:1-11
432 kB
 1′ 23″
Jesus Was Alive, and Spoke. Luc 24:12, 13, 15, 17, 38-49
Jesus Was Alive, and Spoke. Luc 24:12, 13, 15, 17, 38-49
621 kB
 2′ 13″