| 基督徒相信什么 - 1 ▪ How Great Thou Art (v. 1) ▪ 基督徒相信什么 - 2 ▪ How Great Thou Art (v. 2) ▪ 基督徒相信什么 - 3 ▪ How Great Thou Art (v. 3) ▪ 基督徒相信什么 - 4 ▪ Why Did Jesus Die? ▪ The Two Roads ▪ Jesus is the Good Road ▪ The Life of God's Children ▪ Bringing in the Sheaves ▪ Hide God's Word in Your Heart | |
| Do Not Be Afraid ▪ Rock of Ages (v. 1-2) ▪ 祷告者 ▪ Rock of Ages (v. 3-4) ▪ Noah ▪ There's Not a Friend (v. 1) ▪ The Christian and Temptation ▪ There's Not a Friend (v. 2) ▪ The Two Roads ▪ There's Not a Friend (v. 3) ▪ The Life of God's Children ▪ Sweet Bye and Bye | |