Paroles de Vie w/ TOK PISIN songs dans Daonda

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Ce que le chrétien croit - 1 ▪ Why Did Jesus Die? ▪ Ce que le chrétien croit - 2 ▪ Follow, Follow ▪ The Two Roads ▪ Jesus is the Good Road (v. 1) ▪ Do Not Be Afraid ▪ Jesus is the Good Road (v. 2) ▪ The Rich Fool ▪ Mi Save Long Gutpela Ples (v. 1) ▪ Noah ▪ Jisas I Dai Long Diwai Bros (v. 1-2)
Ce que le chrétien croit - 1 ▪ Why Did Jesus Die? ▪ Ce que le chrétien croit - 2 ▪ Follow, Follow ▪ The Two Roads ▪ Jesus is the Good Road (v. 1) ▪ Do Not Be Afraid ▪ Jesus is the Good Road (v. 2) ▪ The Rich Fool ▪ Mi Save Long Gutpela Ples (v. 1) ▪ Noah ▪ Jisas I Dai Long Diwai Bros (v. 1-2)
6.5 MB
 28′ 39″