Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.
Words of Life 1 in Kwakwala
5.3 MB
61.7 MB
Slideshow Video
Audio Only
Close to Thee
232 kB
1′ 1″
The Creation and Fall
866 kB
3′ 19″
1.2 MB
4′ 41″
Jesus Calms the Storm
760 kB
2′ 56″
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
730 kB
3′ 13″
A New Nature
800 kB
3′ 8″
Whispering Hope
859 kB
3′ 48″
Close to Thee
234 kB
1′ 2″
The Two Roads 1
1.3 MB
5′ 21″
The Two Roads 2
845 kB
3′ 21″
The Two Roads 2
344 kB
1′ 14″
Prayer is Talking to God
769 kB
2′ 58″
The Ten Virgins
1008 kB
3′ 54″
The Ten Virgins
427 kB
1′ 37″
Out of Bondage
589 kB
2′ 37″