YBS Singing (Mi laik soim yu pren bilong mi Jisas) dans Tok Pisin

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Mi laik soim yu pren ♦ Jisas yu pren long mi (I want to show you friend ▪ Jesus you are my friend)
Mi laik soim yu pren ♦ Jisas yu pren long mi (I want to show you friend ▪ Jesus you are my friend)
336 kB
 1′ 34″
Jisas I winim ol pren ♦ 1 Timotio 1:17 (Friends, Jesus has victory (lit: Jesus defeats all friends) ▪ 1 Timothée 1:17)
Jisas I winim ol pren ♦ 1 Timotio 1:17 (Friends, Jesus has victory (lit: Jesus defeats all friends) ▪ 1 Timothée 1:17)
341 kB
 1′ 17″
God i Bikpela ♦ God bilong me i gat strong (God is Lord ▪ My God is strong)
God i Bikpela ♦ God bilong me i gat strong (God is Lord ▪ My God is strong)
327 kB
 1′ 27″
God i gat olgeta strong ♦ Kolosi 1:20 (God has all strength ▪ Colossiens 1:20)
God i gat olgeta strong ♦ Kolosi 1:20 (God has all strength ▪ Colossiens 1:20)
297 kB
 1′ 23″
God laik ol i wanbel ♦ 1 Jon 1:3 (God wants everyone to agree ▪ 1 Jean 1:3)
God laik ol i wanbel ♦ 1 Jon 1:3 (God wants everyone to agree ▪ 1 Jean 1:3)
387 kB
 1′ 45″
Sin i wanem samting ♦ 1 Jon 5:17 (What is sin? ▪ 1 Jean 5:17)
Sin i wanem samting ♦ 1 Jon 5:17 (What is sin? ▪ 1 Jean 5:17)
237 kB
 1′ 6″
I gat pe belong sin ♦ Rom 6:23 (There Is Payment for Sin ▪ Romains 6:23)
I gat pe belong sin ♦ Rom 6:23 (There Is Payment for Sin ▪ Romains 6:23)
568 kB
 2′ 34″
Olgeta man i mas i dai ♦ Hebru 9:27 (Everyone must die ▪ Hébreux 9:27)
Olgeta man i mas i dai ♦ Hebru 9:27 (Everyone must die ▪ Hébreux 9:27)
235 kB
 1′ 5″
Kot bai painim yumi tu ♦ Jon 3:19 (Judgement is for all of us ▪ Jean 3:19)
Kot bai painim yumi tu ♦ Jon 3:19 (Judgement is for all of us ▪ Jean 3:19)
445 kB
 1′ 45″
I gat tupela lain ♦ Matyu 25:41 (There are two groups (of people) ▪ Matthieu 25:41)
I gat tupela lain ♦ Matyu 25:41 (There are two groups (of people) ▪ Matthieu 25:41)
487 kB
 1′ 54″
Yu step long wanem lain ♦ Matyu 25:34 (Which group are you in ▪ Matthieu 25:34)
Yu step long wanem lain ♦ Matyu 25:34 (Which group are you in ▪ Matthieu 25:34)
349 kB
 1′ 18″
Jisas em i laip ♦ 1 Jon 5:11-12 (Jesus is life ▪ 1 Jean 5:11-12)
Jisas em i laip ♦ 1 Jon 5:11-12 (Jesus is life ▪ 1 Jean 5:11-12)
492 kB
 2′ 19″
Jisas i as bilong laip ♦ Matyu 4:4 (Jesus is the way of life ▪ Matthieu 4:4)
Jisas i as bilong laip ♦ Matyu 4:4 (Jesus is the way of life ▪ Matthieu 4:4)
421 kB
 1′ 38″
God i mar i mar i long yumi ♦ Eph 1:7 (God loves you and me ▪ Ephésiens 1:7)
God i mar i mar i long yumi ♦ Eph 1:7 (God loves you and me ▪ Ephésiens 1:7)
330 kB
 1′ 31″
Yumi i bin mekim sin ♦ 1 Peta 3:18 (We have all sinned ▪ 1 Pierre 3:18)
Yumi i bin mekim sin ♦ 1 Peta 3:18 (We have all sinned ▪ 1 Pierre 3:18)
305 kB
 1′ 24″
Kraist i no mekim sin ♦ 2 Cor 5:21 (Christ did not sin ▪ 2 Corinthiens 5:21)
Kraist i no mekim sin ♦ 2 Cor 5:21 (Christ did not sin ▪ 2 Corinthiens 5:21)
286 kB
 1′ 17″
Yumi i stap sinman yet ♦ Rom 5:8 (We are still sinners ▪ Romains 5:8)
Yumi i stap sinman yet ♦ Rom 5:8 (We are still sinners ▪ Romains 5:8)
246 kB
 1′ 8″
Yumi mas bilip long Jisas ♦ Rom 10:10 (We must believe in Jesus ▪ Romains 10:10)
Yumi mas bilip long Jisas ♦ Rom 10:10 (We must believe in Jesus ▪ Romains 10:10)
263 kB
 1′ 12″
Yumi mas tanim bel ♦ Aposel 2:38 (We must change our ways (repent) ▪ Actes 2:38)
Yumi mas tanim bel ♦ Aposel 2:38 (We must change our ways (repent) ▪ Actes 2:38)
444 kB
 1′ 38″
Yupela mas lusim rong long ol ♦ Matyu 6:15 (We must stop doing wrong ▪ Matthieu 6:15)
Yupela mas lusim rong long ol ♦ Matyu 6:15 (We must stop doing wrong ▪ Matthieu 6:15)
286 kB
Yu mas autim bilip ♦ Matyu 16:16 (You must confess your belief ▪ Matthieu 16:16)
Yu mas autim bilip ♦ Matyu 16:16 (You must confess your belief ▪ Matthieu 16:16)
308 kB
 1′ 6″
God i mari mari long yumi ♦ Rom 3:24 (God loves us ▪ Romains 3:24)
God i mari mari long yumi ♦ Rom 3:24 (God loves us ▪ Romains 3:24)
320 kB
 1′ 29″
Yumi mas stap long stretpela pasin ♦ 1 Jon 2:6 (We must keep on doing the right thing ▪ 1 Jean 2:6)
Yumi mas stap long stretpela pasin ♦ 1 Jon 2:6 (We must keep on doing the right thing ▪ 1 Jean 2:6)
344 kB
 1′ 36″
Yumi mas givim bodi long God ♦ Rom 6:13,14 (We must give our bodies to God ▪ Romains 6:13,14)
Yumi mas givim bodi long God ♦ Rom 6:13,14 (We must give our bodies to God ▪ Romains 6:13,14)
306 kB
 1′ 24″
Yumi mas pas long Jisas ♦ Jon 15:5 (We must stay with Jesus (lit: We must go past Jesus) ▪ Jean 15:5)
Yumi mas pas long Jisas ♦ Jon 15:5 (We must stay with Jesus (lit: We must go past Jesus) ▪ Jean 15:5)
353 kB
 1′ 15″
Yumi mas ritim Baibel ♦ Aposel 17:11 (We must read the bible ▪ Actes 17:11)
Yumi mas ritim Baibel ♦ Aposel 17:11 (We must read the bible ▪ Actes 17:11)
335 kB
 1′ 12″
Opim dua long Jisas ♦ Rev 3:20 (Open the door to Jesus ▪ Apocalypse 3:20)
Opim dua long Jisas ♦ Rev 3:20 (Open the door to Jesus ▪ Apocalypse 3:20)
206 kB
Hevi i kamap long Kristin ♦ Hebru 5:8 (Guilt has come to the Christian ▪ Hébreux 5:8)
Hevi i kamap long Kristin ♦ Hebru 5:8 (Guilt has come to the Christian ▪ Hébreux 5:8)
221 kB
God i givim bel isi ♦ 2 Korin 1:3,4 (God gives peace ▪ 2 Corinthiens 1:3-4)
God i givim bel isi ♦ 2 Korin 1:3,4 (God gives peace ▪ 2 Corinthiens 1:3-4)
456 kB
 2′ 7″
God i bosim olgeta samting ♦ Rom 8:28 (God controls everything ▪ Romains 8:20)
God i bosim olgeta samting ♦ Rom 8:28 (God controls everything ▪ Romains 8:20)
312 kB
 1′ 23″
Yumi mas bihaimin tok long God ♦ Sam 119:9,11 (We must follow God's Word ▪ Psalm 119:9)
Yumi mas bihaimin tok long God ♦ Sam 119:9,11 (We must follow God's Word ▪ Psalm 119:9)
366 kB
 1′ 42″
Wokabout long klinpela pasin ♦ Taitas 3:8 (Living a clean life ▪ Tite 3:8)
Wokabout long klinpela pasin ♦ Taitas 3:8 (Living a clean life ▪ Tite 3:8)
237 kB
 1′ 4″
Yumi mas autim ol sin ♦ 1 Jon 1:9 (We must all confess all sin ▪ 1 Jean 1:9)
Yumi mas autim ol sin ♦ 1 Jon 1:9 (We must all confess all sin ▪ 1 Jean 1:9)
205 kB
Yumi mas pas wantain Kraist ♦ Rom 6:5,6 (We must stay close to Christ ▪ Romains 6:5,6)
Yumi mas pas wantain Kraist ♦ Rom 6:5,6 (We must stay close to Christ ▪ Romains 6:5,6)
248 kB
 1′ 6″
Strongim Kristin laip ♦ Matyu 6:33 (Strengthen your Vie chrétienne ▪ Matthieu 6:33)
Strongim Kristin laip ♦ Matyu 6:33 (Strengthen your Vie chrétienne ▪ Matthieu 6:33)
522 kB
 2′ 8″
Ritim tok long Baibel ♦ Jon 15:7 (Write the talk of the Bible ▪ Jean 15:7)
Ritim tok long Baibel ♦ Jon 15:7 (Write the talk of the Bible ▪ Jean 15:7)
417 kB
 1′ 35″
Bilip na mekim prea ♦ Matyu 21:22 (Believe and pray ▪ Matthieu 21:22)
Bilip na mekim prea ♦ Matyu 21:22 (Believe and pray ▪ Matthieu 21:22)
257 kB
Autim tok long samting ♦ Luk 8:39 (Say something ▪ Luc 8:39)
Autim tok long samting ♦ Luk 8:39 (Say something ▪ Luc 8:39)
404 kB
 1′ 30″
Bihaimim gut ol lo ♦ Jon 14:21 (Follow the law completely ▪ Jean 14:21)
Bihaimim gut ol lo ♦ Jon 14:21 (Follow the law completely ▪ Jean 14:21)
358 kB
 1′ 23″
Litimapin nem bilong Jisas ♦ Mi amamas tumas (Lift up the name of Jesus ▪ I am very happy)
Litimapin nem bilong Jisas ♦ Mi amamas tumas (Lift up the name of Jesus ▪ I am very happy)
185 kB
Yumi mas stap wantain Jisas ♦ Jon 16:33 (We must stay with Jesus ▪ Jean 16:33)
Yumi mas stap wantain Jisas ♦ Jon 16:33 (We must stay with Jesus ▪ Jean 16:33)
437 kB
 1′ 45″
Yumi laikim tru Bikpela ♦ Sam 122:1 (We love God ▪ Psalm 122:1)
Yumi laikim tru Bikpela ♦ Sam 122:1 (We love God ▪ Psalm 122:1)
327 kB
 1′ 31″
Pasin bilong givim ♦ 2 Korin 9:7 (The way of giving ▪ 2 Corinthiens 9:7)
Pasin bilong givim ♦ 2 Korin 9:7 (The way of giving ▪ 2 Corinthiens 9:7)
375 kB
 1′ 46″
Amamasim Bikpela ♦ Aposel 1:11 (Rejoice in the Lord (Make God happy) ▪ Actes 1:11)
Amamasim Bikpela ♦ Aposel 1:11 (Rejoice in the Lord (Make God happy) ▪ Actes 1:11)
263 kB
Laip i stap altain altain ♦ 1 Korin 15:53 (Everlasting life ▪ 1 Corinthiens 15:53)
Laip i stap altain altain ♦ 1 Korin 15:53 (Everlasting life ▪ 1 Corinthiens 15:53)
254 kB
 1′ 12″