Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.
T-LAS Bamboo Band in Gao
2.7 MB
12.3 MB
Slideshow Video
Audio Only
598 kB
2′ 21″
Beating the Ground
584 kB
2′ 14″
MacKlean 2
441 kB
1′ 44″
469 kB
1′ 50″
Come and Have Conversation
1 MB
4′ 9″
Women's Dance
277 kB
1′ 6″
Very True
520 kB
2′ 3″
Don't Worry
676 kB
2′ 43″
What is the Reason for Neglecting Him?
716 kB
2′ 50″
T-Las Anthem
659 kB
2′ 34″