
San Partnership Oral 圣经经文s Set 在 Gobabis Ju/'hoansi

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403.3 MB

003. !xu o mi !huikxao, Psalem 23:1-6 (003. The Lord is my Shepherd, Psalm 23)
003. !xu o mi !huikxao, Psalem 23:1-6 (003. The Lord is my Shepherd, Psalm 23)
271 kB
004. Baibela //ama ‘xu khoe’a, 2Timoteas 3:16 (004. The Main Story of the Bible, 2Timothy 3: 16)
004. Baibela //ama ‘xu khoe’a, 2Timoteas 3:16 (004. The Main Story of the Bible, 2Timothy 3: 16)
175 kB
005. !Xu kuru /a'ah kesin kxa/h (005. God Creates the Heaven and the Eartyh, 创世纪 1:1-2:4)
005. !Xu kuru /a'ah kesin kxa/h (005. God Creates the Heaven and the Eartyh, 创世纪 1:1-2:4)
1.2 MB
 5′ 20″
006. Tuia kho o Eden ga, Genesi 2:4-10 (006. The Garden of Eden, 创世纪 2:4-10)
006. Tuia kho o Eden ga, Genesi 2:4-10 (006. The Garden of Eden, 创世纪 2:4-10)
348 kB
 1′ 18″
007. !xu tsi ku du tsauh, Genesi 2:15-25 (007. The Creation of the Woman, 创世纪 2:15-25)
007. !xu tsi ku du tsauh, Genesi 2:15-25 (007. The Creation of the Woman, 创世纪 2:15-25)
471 kB
 1′ 50″
016. Genesi 3:1-19 (016. The Fall of Man, 创世纪 3:1-19)
016. Genesi 3:1-19 (016. The Fall of Man, 创世纪 3:1-19)
815 kB
 3′ 24″
019. Kain sa Abel, Genesi 4:1-16 (019. Cain and Abel, 创世纪 4:1-16)
019. Kain sa Abel, Genesi 4:1-16 (019. Cain and Abel, 创世纪 4:1-16)
606 kB
 2′ 32″
20. !xu kho kxaetsi !uha n!aqa ko kxa/o'o, Genesi 6:9-22 (20. God decided to destroy the world by a flood, Gen 20:9-22)
20. !xu kho kxaetsi !uha n!aqa ko kxa/o'o, Genesi 6:9-22 (20. God decided to destroy the world by a flood, Gen 20:9-22)
633 kB
 2′ 39″
021. Zang a khoe //ing //aea o /xoa Noag kesi ha !hao n!ang, Genese 8:1-19 (021.01. God remembered Noah, 创世纪 8:1-19)
021. Zang a khoe //ing //aea o /xoa Noag kesi ha !hao n!ang, Genese 8:1-19 (021.01. God remembered Noah, 创世纪 8:1-19)
801 kB
 3′ 19″
022. !xu ku du /xoa Noah kesi ha dabisi, Genesi 9:1-17 (022. God's Covenant with Noah & his Descendents, Gen. 9:1-17)
022. !xu ku du /xoa Noah kesi ha dabisi, Genesi 9:1-17 (022. God's Covenant with Noah & his Descendents, Gen. 9:1-17)
741 kB
 3′ 3″
023. !xaua o Babel ga, Genesi 11:1-9 (023. The Tower of Babel, 创世纪 11:1-9)
023. !xaua o Babel ga, Genesi 11:1-9 (023. The Tower of Babel, 创世纪 11:1-9)
395 kB
 1′ 31″
024. !xu !auh Abraham, Genesi 12:1-9 (024. God's Covenant with Abraham, 创世纪 12:1-9)
024. !xu !auh Abraham, Genesi 12:1-9 (024. God's Covenant with Abraham, 创世纪 12:1-9)
514 kB
 2′ 6″
027. !xu ku duse Abraham, Genese 22: 1-19 (027. God provides a ram, 创世纪 22:1-19)
027. !xu ku duse Abraham, Genese 22: 1-19 (027. God provides a ram, 创世纪 22:1-19)
698 kB
 3′ 4″
034.01. Jose //a ha cungurisi, Genese 37:1-11 (034.01. Joseph’s dreams, 创世纪 37:1-11)
034.01. Jose //a ha cungurisi, Genese 37:1-11 (034.01. Joseph’s dreams, 创世纪 37:1-11)
587 kB
 2′ 13″
034.02. Jose //ah !o'osi, Genese 37:12-36 (034.02. Joseph sold by his brothers, Gen 37:12-36)
034.02. Jose //ah !o'osi, Genese 37:12-36 (034.02. Joseph sold by his brothers, Gen 37:12-36)
826 kB
 3′ 36″
035. Jose ku n//hae //xabe Farao soeguri, Genese 41:1-40 (035. Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams, 创世纪 41:1-40)
035. Jose ku n//hae //xabe Farao soeguri, Genese 41:1-40 (035. Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams, 创世纪 41:1-40)
1.6 MB
 7′ 13″
040. Mose ku n//hai ha n/e, Eksode 2:1-10 (040. The Birth of Moses, 出埃及记 2:1-10)
040. Mose ku n//hai ha n/e, Eksode 2:1-10 (040. The Birth of Moses, 出埃及记 2:1-10)
527 kB
 2′ 8″
41.Juh n#'abe'a o Israelhesi du Juh n#'abe'a o Israelhesi duah he /esi ko n!ahsi (041. The Israelites Become Slaves, 出埃及记 1:9-14)
41.Juh n#'abe'a o Israelhesi du Juh n#'abe'a o Israelhesi duah he /esi ko n!ahsi (041. The Israelites Become Slaves, 出埃及记 1:9-14)
325 kB
 1′ 14″
042. !xu kho n#ai hoa ha /e ko Mose, Ekesodo 3:1-12 (042. The Call of Moses, 出埃及记 3:1-12)
042. !xu kho n#ai hoa ha /e ko Mose, Ekesodo 3:1-12 (042. The Call of Moses, 出埃及记 3:1-12)
608 kB
 2′ 37″
048. The Passover & the Exodus, Exodus 12:7-44
048. The Passover & the Exodus, Exodus 12:7-44
98 kB
02. Guhma o m //hae ≠au ma, Exode 12:7-30 (02. The Passover (the sacrificial lamb))
02. Guhma o m //hae ≠au ma, Exode 12:7-30 (02. The Passover (the sacrificial lamb))
1.1 MB
 4′ 34″
03. Farao ku n≠i !aia Israel juasi ko Egipte, Exode 12:31-44 (03)
03. Farao ku n≠i !aia Israel juasi ko Egipte, Exode 12:31-44 (03)
745 kB
 2′ 58″
049. !xu //aixa //ae n/ui wanqsi ku hu /xoa Israel juasi , Exod e 13:21 22 (049.Crossing the sea, 出埃及记 13:21-22)
049. !xu //aixa //ae n/ui wanqsi ku hu /xoa Israel juasi , Exod e 13:21 22 (049.Crossing the sea, 出埃及记 13:21-22)
208 kB
050. M'sa //ama n/a'a, Eksode 16:1-12 (050. Meat and Bread in the desert, 出埃及记 16:1-12)
050. M'sa //ama n/a'a, Eksode 16:1-12 (050. Meat and Bread in the desert, 出埃及记 16:1-12)
524 kB
 2′ 11″
051. !uah /aia !uin!inx, Eksode 17:1-7 (051. Water From the Rock, 出埃及记 17:1-7)
051. !uah /aia !uin!inx, Eksode 17:1-7 (051. Water From the Rock, 出埃及记 17:1-7)
517 kB
 2′ 8″
053. #hanua o !xu mha, Ekesodo 20:1-17 (053. The Law of God, 出埃及记 20:1-17)
053. #hanua o !xu mha, Ekesodo 20:1-17 (053. The Law of God, 出埃及记 20:1-17)
498 kB
 2′ 8″
055. Kxaitsi /aatciasi /a n≠ai gaquasi kuru, Eksode 25:1-8 (055. Offerings for the Tabernacle, 出埃及记 25:1-8)
055. Kxaitsi /aatciasi /a n≠ai gaquasi kuru, Eksode 25:1-8 (055. Offerings for the Tabernacle, 出埃及记 25:1-8)
315 kB
 1′ 7″
059. N#hoakxaoa n#aukuru Mose, Detronomi 18:15-19 (059. The Promise of a Mediator, Deuternomy 18:15-19)
059. N#hoakxaoa n#aukuru Mose, Detronomi 18:15-19 (059. The Promise of a Mediator, Deuternomy 18:15-19)
328 kB
 1′ 8″
060. Josua kh o Mose //xam kxao, Detronomi 31:1 8 (060. God keeps His promise, Deutoronomy 31:1-8)
060. Josua kh o Mose //xam kxao, Detronomi 31:1 8 (060. God keeps His promise, Deutoronomy 31:1-8)
483 kB
 2′ 0″
063.01. !uh //hama !u’ui n!ang, Numeri 20:1-13 (063.01. Water from the Rock, 民数记 20:1-13)
063.01. !uh //hama !u’ui n!ang, Numeri 20:1-13 (063.01. Water from the Rock, 民数记 20:1-13)
521 kB
 2′ 8″
065. N#hoakxoa o !xumha, Numeri 22:22-41 (065. Balaam's Donkey & the Angel, 民数记 22:22-41)
065. N#hoakxoa o !xumha, Numeri 22:22-41 (065. Balaam's Donkey & the Angel, 民数记 22:22-41)
919 kB
 4′ 6″
071. Kxaice //aea !xu kho n#ain!a ha /e ko Samuel, 1 Samuel 3:1-14 (071. The Lord Calls Samuel, 撒母耳记上 3:1-14)
071. Kxaice //aea !xu kho n#ain!a ha /e ko Samuel, 1 Samuel 3:1-14 (071. The Lord Calls Samuel, 撒母耳记上 3:1-14)
724 kB
 3′ 16″
074.01. Samuel ko ≠xuh Dabe /a ha //aixa, 1 Samuela 16:1-13 (074.01. David anointed as king, 撒母耳记上 16:1-13)
074.01. Samuel ko ≠xuh Dabe /a ha //aixa, 1 Samuela 16:1-13 (074.01. David anointed as king, 撒母耳记上 16:1-13)
723 kB
 2′ 51″
075.01. Dabe !hao !ang //aixasa n≠ih ku //ama, 2 Samuela 7:8-17 (075.01. David's descendent to reign forever, 撒母耳 记下 7)
075.01. Dabe !hao !ang //aixasa n≠ih ku //ama, 2 Samuela 7:8-17 (075.01. David's descendent to reign forever, 撒母耳 记下 7)
499 kB
 1′ 52″
078, //aixa !xu kxae ≠aoa !xu sa uhe ko n/hao, Kxace //aixasi 18:17-39 (078. God More Powerful Than The Gods, 1Kings 18:17-39)
078, //aixa !xu kxae ≠aoa !xu sa uhe ko n/hao, Kxace //aixasi 18:17-39 (078. God More Powerful Than The Gods, 1Kings 18:17-39)
1.1 MB
 4′ 50″
082. //ha’aia o Jesu ga ku n≠i ga n/e, Luka 1:26-38 (082. The Birth of Jesus Foretold, 路加福音 1:26-38)
082. //ha’aia o Jesu ga ku n≠i ga n/e, Luka 1:26-38 (082. The Birth of Jesus Foretold, 路加福音 1:26-38)
510 kB
 2′ 7″
083. Jesu //hai ha /e, Luka 2:1-7 (083. The Birth of Jesus, 路加福音 2:1-7)
083. Jesu //hai ha /e, Luka 2:1-7 (083. The Birth of Jesus, 路加福音 2:1-7)
332 kB
 1′ 9″
084. Gu !uikxao sa o Bethlehemhe'asi, Luka 2:8-21 (084. The Shepherds'Visit, 路加福音 2:8-21)
084. Gu !uikxao sa o Bethlehemhe'asi, Luka 2:8-21 (084. The Shepherds'Visit, 路加福音 2:8-21)
583 kB
 2′ 15″
085. The Wise Men, 马太福音 2:1-12
085. The Wise Men, 马太福音 2:1-12
571 kB
 2′ 26″
086.01. Johanea o /umkxao, Mattao, 3:1-12 (086.01. 约翰福音 the Baptist Prepares the Way, 马太福音 3:1-12)
086.01. Johanea o /umkxao, Mattao, 3:1-12 (086.01. 约翰福音 the Baptist Prepares the Way, 马太福音 3:1-12)
570 kB
 2′ 19″
086.02. Johane ku /um Jesu, Mattao 3:13-17 (086.02. 约翰福音 Baptises Jesus, 马太福音 3:13-17)
086.02. Johane ku /um Jesu, Mattao 3:13-17 (086.02. 约翰福音 Baptises Jesus, 马太福音 3:13-17)
288 kB
 1′ 5″
88. Jesu ku dusea ha /e ko /a'atsi, Mattao 4:1-11 (88. The Temptations of Jesus, 马太福音 4:1-11)
88. Jesu ku dusea ha /e ko /a'atsi, Mattao 4:1-11 (88. The Temptations of Jesus, 马太福音 4:1-11)
487 kB
 2′ 6″
89. Jesu ku n!haro ha n!haro gu kxaosi ko !huri !o'o, Mattao 5:1-12 (89. Jesus teaches on the mountain, 马太福音 5:1-12)
89. Jesu ku n!haro ha n!haro gu kxaosi ko !huri !o'o, Mattao 5:1-12 (89. Jesus teaches on the mountain, 马太福音 5:1-12)
412 kB
 1′ 32″
90. Ka Juhn/ui /oa ce //kai ha /e, Johane 3:1-21 (90. God Loves You, Believe in the Son of God, 约翰福音 3:1-21)
90. Ka Juhn/ui /oa ce //kai ha /e, Johane 3:1-21 (90. God Loves You, Believe in the Son of God, 约翰福音 3:1-21)
837 kB
 3′ 41″
093. Jesu !auh ha n!haro gukxaosa o kxaice hiasi, Mattao 4:18-22 (093. Jesus calls some Disciples, 马太福音 4:18-22)
093. Jesu !auh ha n!haro gukxaosa o kxaice hiasi, Mattao 4:18-22 (093. Jesus calls some Disciples, 马太福音 4:18-22)
239 kB
094.01. Jesu /a kxace n!haro gukxaosi, Johanne 1:35-51 (094.01. Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael, 约翰福音 1:35-51)
094.01. Jesu /a kxace n!haro gukxaosi, Johanne 1:35-51 (094.01. Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael, 约翰福音 1:35-51)
791 kB
 3′ 30″
095.01. Fariseers kesing Sadduseertsi ku gare //koa sa o n≠isi are a khoe se (095.01. The demand for a sign, 马太福音 16:1-12)
095.01. Fariseers kesing Sadduseertsi ku gare //koa sa o n≠isi are a khoe se (095.01. The demand for a sign, 马太福音 16:1-12)
586 kB
 2′ 23″
095.02. Peter Declared that Jesus is the Messiah, 马太福音 16
095.02. Peter Declared that Jesus is the Messiah, 马太福音 16
344 kB
 1′ 17″
095.03. Jesus Predicts His Death, 马太福音 16:21-28
095.03. Jesus Predicts His Death, 马太福音 16:21-28
471 kB
 1′ 46″
97. Jesu ku du /a Juhsa ≠ai ko //koa Ja'a, Mattao 4:23-25 (97. Jesus Did Good Deeds for Many People, 马太福音 4:23-25)
97. Jesu ku du /a Juhsa ≠ai ko //koa Ja'a, Mattao 4:23-25 (97. Jesus Did Good Deeds for Many People, 马太福音 4:23-25)
250 kB
099.01. The Demon-possessed Boy, 马可福音 5:1-20
099.01. The Demon-possessed Boy, 马可福音 5:1-20
778 kB
 3′ 7″
099.02. Salt and Light, 马太福音 5:13-16
099.02. Salt and Light, 马太福音 5:13-16
227 kB
100. Jesu si kho #uru#uru n//aqesa o tien he kho nxae/kae o ..., Lukah 17:11-19 (100. Ten Healed from Leprosy: 路加福音 17:11-19)
100. Jesu si kho #uru#uru n//aqesa o tien he kho nxae/kae o ..., Lukah 17:11-19 (100. Ten Healed from Leprosy: 路加福音 17:11-19)
365 kB
 1′ 26″
103. Jesu si kho n‡ai ‡urua !ah kho kxae maqa /kau, Marku 9:14-29 (103. Jesus Heals a Boy with an unclean spirit, 马可福音 9:14-29)
103. Jesu si kho n‡ai ‡urua !ah kho kxae maqa /kau, Marku 9:14-29 (103. Jesus Heals a Boy with an unclean spirit, 马可福音 9:14-29)
778 kB
 3′ 18″
107.01. #oa#oasia o ghua n!a'a kesi Mhari 'm sa #aqbe n!aa, Lukah 15:1-24 (107.01. The Parable of the Lost Sheep and Coin, 路加福音 15:1-10)
107.01. #oa#oasia o ghua n!a'a kesi Mhari 'm sa #aqbe n!aa, Lukah 15:1-24 (107.01. The Parable of the Lost Sheep and Coin, 路加福音 15:1-10)
556 kB
 2′ 25″
107.02. ‡oa‡oasia o ba ku kxoa ha !ah tsa, Lukah 15:11-24 (107.02. The Parable of 失去的儿子, 路加福音 15:11-24)
107.02. ‡oa‡oasia o ba ku kxoa ha !ah tsa, Lukah 15:11-24 (107.02. The Parable of 失去的儿子, 路加福音 15:11-24)
577 kB
 2′ 27″
109. Jesu n≠i !ham a khoe ko tsauh ha !aon te guh tsauah tammadima ko !haì, Luka (109. 109. Jesus raises a dead girl&heals a sick woman, L)
109. Jesu n≠i !ham a khoe ko tsauh ha !aon te guh tsauah tammadima ko !haì, Luka (109. 109. Jesus raises a dead girl&heals a sick woman, L)
641 kB
 2′ 41″
110. Jesu ku n#ai #urua !hoa n#ham, Marku 2:1-12 (110. Jesus Heals a Paralytic, 马可福音 2:1-12)
110. Jesu ku n#ai #urua !hoa n#ham, Marku 2:1-12 (110. Jesus Heals a Paralytic, 马可福音 2:1-12)
557 kB
 2′ 14″
112. esu ku n//hae tca ha te o !han o !xu ma, Johane 5:17-26 (112. The Authority of the Son, 约翰福音 5:17-26)
112. esu ku n//hae tca ha te o !han o !xu ma, Johane 5:17-26 (112. The Authority of the Son, 约翰福音 5:17-26)
550 kB
 2′ 18″
114. Jesu n≠ii cuh n≠auh //a//abu ma`qah, Mattao 8:23-27 (114. Jesus Calms a Storm, 马太福音 8:23-27)
114. Jesu n≠ii cuh n≠auh //a//abu ma`qah, Mattao 8:23-27 (114. Jesus Calms a Storm, 马太福音 8:23-27)
231 kB
115. Jesu /a juhsa n≠i ≠aoa tsama sa o ≠hao ko `msi, Matau 14:13-21 (115. Jesus Feeds the 5000, Matt. 14:13-21)
115. Jesu /a juhsa n≠i ≠aoa tsama sa o ≠hao ko `msi, Matau 14:13-21 (115. Jesus Feeds the 5000, Matt. 14:13-21)
466 kB
 1′ 44″
117. ≠oa≠oasia o !um sa Toto kxao ga, Lukah 18:1-8 (117. The Parable of the Persistent Widow, 路加福音 18:1-8)
117. ≠oa≠oasia o !um sa Toto kxao ga, Lukah 18:1-8 (117. The Parable of the Persistent Widow, 路加福音 18:1-8)
398 kB
 1′ 33″
118. #oa#oasia o Farisaia o #hanu#inx !ahkxao khota #hanu mhari... Lukah 18:9-14 (118. The Pharisee and Tax Collector, 路加福音 18:9-14)
118. #oa#oasia o Farisaia o #hanu#inx !ahkxao khota #hanu mhari... Lukah 18:9-14 (118. The Pharisee and Tax Collector, 路加福音 18:9-14)
407 kB
 1′ 38″
119. //koa-kwoasi ko N/eh tuih !ang, Matau 20:1-16 (119. Labourers in the Vineyard, 马太福音 20:1-16)
119. //koa-kwoasi ko N/eh tuih !ang, Matau 20:1-16 (119. Labourers in the Vineyard, 马太福音 20:1-16)
611 kB
 2′ 30″
120. Judesi //kaikxaosi si kho /a khoe ko ≠inx /a Shi !kuh Jesu, Johane 11:45-53 (120. Religious Leaders Decided to kill Jesus, 约翰福音 11:45-53)
120. Judesi //kaikxaosi si kho /a khoe ko ≠inx /a Shi !kuh Jesu, Johane 11:45-53 (120. Religious Leaders Decided to kill Jesus, 约翰福音 11:45-53)
425 kB
 1′ 41″
121. #oa#oasia o Laseru khesi !hoa kxae //ai ga, Lukah 16:19-31 (121. The Rich Man And Lazarus, 路加福音 16:19-31)
121. #oa#oasia o Laseru khesi !hoa kxae //ai ga, Lukah 16:19-31 (121. The Rich Man And Lazarus, 路加福音 16:19-31)
612 kB
 2′ 37″
124.01. N//ha ‡asara Joa'u he, Mattao 7:1-12 (124.01. Judging Others, 马太福音 7:1-12)
124.01. N//ha ‡asara Joa'u he, Mattao 7:1-12 (124.01. Judging Others, 马太福音 7:1-12)
496 kB
 2′ 6″
124.02. !amasia tsema kesi ka ga caoa, Mattao 7: 13-20 (124.02. The Narrow & Wide Gate, 马太福音 7:13-20)
124.02. !amasia tsema kesi ka ga caoa, Mattao 7: 13-20 (124.02. The Narrow & Wide Gate, 马太福音 7:13-20)
359 kB
 1′ 20″
124.03. Tsa'a n/inx du, Mattao 7: 21-19 (124.03. True and False Disciples, 马太福音 7:21-29)
124.03. Tsa'a n/inx du, Mattao 7: 21-19 (124.03. True and False Disciples, 马太福音 7:21-29)
434 kB
 1′ 42″
127.01. Jesu ku /a dibi ko jah, Marko 10:13-16 (127.01. Jesus blesses the children, 马可福音 10:13-16)
127.01. Jesu ku /a dibi ko jah, Marko 10:13-16 (127.01. Jesus blesses the children, 马可福音 10:13-16)
247 kB
128.01. 128. Ha joe re o !an!anci ko //aikhaoa o n/a’a ga, Mateu 18:1-9 (128.01. The greatest in the kingdom of heaven, 马太福音 18)
128.01. 128. Ha joe re o !an!anci ko //aikhaoa o n/a’a ga, Mateu 18:1-9 (128.01. The greatest in the kingdom of heaven, 马太福音 18)
403 kB
 1′ 36″
06. Jesu ku n!haro ha n!haro gukxaosi ko /xom, Matteu 6:7-15 (130. The Lords 祷告者, 马太福音 6:7-15)
06. Jesu ku n!haro ha n!haro gukxaosi ko /xom, Matteu 6:7-15 (130. The Lords 祷告者, 马太福音 6:7-15)
334 kB
 1′ 17″
133. N//ah #inx#inx i!a /esi ko /xhoa, Mattao 6:25-34 (133. Do Not Be Anxious, 马太福音 6:25-34)
133. N//ah #inx#inx i!a /esi ko /xhoa, Mattao 6:25-34 (133. Do Not Be Anxious, 马太福音 6:25-34)
536 kB
 2′ 15″
134. H'uia kho o !huri !o'o, Lukah 9:28-36 (134. The Transfiguration, 路加福音 9:28-36)
134. H'uia kho o !huri !o'o, Lukah 9:28-36 (134. The Transfiguration, 路加福音 9:28-36)
497 kB
 2′ 11″
136. Jesu !kabi dungi te ku !amg ma Jerusalem n!anx, Mattao 21:1-11 (136. Jesus comes to Jerusalem as King, 马太福音 21:1-11)
136. Jesu !kabi dungi te ku !amg ma Jerusalem n!anx, Mattao 21:1-11 (136. Jesus comes to Jerusalem as King, 马太福音 21:1-11)
542 kB
 2′ 8″
138. Jesu ku //hae //aea o kxa/oh toasi ga, Marko 13:1-13 (138. The Destruction of the Temple, 马可福音 13:1-13)
138. Jesu ku //hae //aea o kxa/oh toasi ga, Marko 13:1-13 (138. The Destruction of the Temple, 马可福音 13:1-13)
657 kB
 2′ 32″
140.01. Jesu !kai ku /abe ka le Betanie, Matau 26:1-13 (140.01. Plot to Kill Jesus&Anointed at Bethany,Matt 26:1-13)
140.01. Jesu !kai ku /abe ka le Betanie, Matau 26:1-13 (140.01. Plot to Kill Jesus&Anointed at Bethany,Matt 26:1-13)
491 kB
 1′ 59″
140.02. Juda kxoa ≠inxa o Jesu kha !koa//aia, Matau 26:14-25 (140.02. Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus Matt 26:14-25)
140.02. Juda kxoa ≠inxa o Jesu kha !koa//aia, Matau 26:14-25 (140.02. Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus Matt 26:14-25)
481 kB
 1′ 58″
140.03. /u'u 'm, Matau 26:26-30 (140.03. The Last Supper, Matt 26:26-30)
140.03. /u'u 'm, Matau 26:26-30 (140.03. The Last Supper, Matt 26:26-30)
275 kB
140.04. Jesu ku !xaua Petru, Matau 26:31-35 (140.04. Jesus Predicts Peter’s denial, 马太福音 26:31-35)
140.04. Jesu ku !xaua Petru, Matau 26:31-35 (140.04. Jesus Predicts Peter’s denial, 马太福音 26:31-35)
285 kB
 1′ 2″
141. Gaqesia o /u'u 'm #aua ga, Lukah 22:7-23 (141. The Institution of the Last Supper, 路加福音 22:7-23)
141. Gaqesia o /u'u 'm #aua ga, Lukah 22:7-23 (141. The Institution of the Last Supper, 路加福音 22:7-23)
901 kB
 3′ 51″
142.01. Jesu Kho o Getsemah !anx, Mattau 26:36-46 (142.01. Gethsemane, 马太福音 26:36-46)
142.01. Jesu Kho o Getsemah !anx, Mattau 26:36-46 (142.01. Gethsemane, 马太福音 26:36-46)
435 kB
 1′ 48″
142.02.//haikxaosi ku guh Jesu, Mattau 26:47-56 (142.02. Jesus arrested, Matt26:47-56)
142.02.//haikxaosi ku guh Jesu, Mattau 26:47-56 (142.02. Jesus arrested, Matt26:47-56)
526 kB
 2′ 12″
145.01. Jesu n!unxa Pilatu /a'a n!anx, Mattao 27:11-14 (145.01. Jesus Before Pilate, 马太福音 27:11-14)
145.01. Jesu n!unxa Pilatu /a'a n!anx, Mattao 27:11-14 (145.01. Jesus Before Pilate, 马太福音 27:11-14)
231 kB
145.02. Tshi //ua o Jesu Xristu ga, Mattao 27:32-44 (145.02. The Crucifixion of Jesus, 马太福音 27:32-44)
145.02. Tshi //ua o Jesu Xristu ga, Mattao 27:32-44 (145.02. The Crucifixion of Jesus, 马太福音 27:32-44)
539 kB
 2′ 18″
145.03. Jesu ku !kai, Mattao 27:45-50 (145.03. The Death of Jesus, 马太福音 27:45-50)
145.03. Jesu ku !kai, Mattao 27:45-50 (145.03. The Death of Jesus, 马太福音 27:45-50)
265 kB
 1′ 0″
145.04. Jesu ama ku !kum ka /e, Mattao 27:57-66 (145.04. The Burial of Jesus, 马太福音 27:57-66)
145.04. Jesu ama ku !kum ka /e, Mattao 27:57-66 (145.04. The Burial of Jesus, 马太福音 27:57-66)
476 kB
 1′ 55″
147. Jesu tsi tsaua !'kai, Mattao 28:1-15 (147. The Resurrection of Jesus, 马太福音 28:1-15)
147. Jesu tsi tsaua !'kai, Mattao 28:1-15 (147. The Resurrection of Jesus, 马太福音 28:1-15)
687 kB
 2′ 52″
149. Jesu kho n//ae n/inx tca Maqa Kaqusi te ku tsi..., Handeling 1:3-11 (149. Promise of the Holy Spirit, the Ascension, 使徒行传 1:3-11)
149. Jesu kho n//ae n/inx tca Maqa Kaqusi te ku tsi..., Handeling 1:3-11 (149. Promise of the Holy Spirit, the Ascension, 使徒行传 1:3-11)
434 kB
 1′ 42″
150. Jesu che !a'a n/aqa, Lukah 24:50-53 (150. The Ascension, 路加福音 24:50-53)
150. Jesu che !a'a n/aqa, Lukah 24:50-53 (150. The Ascension, 路加福音 24:50-53)
189 kB
151. Jesu n#ai hoa ha /e ko ha n!haro ku kxaosi, Mattao 28:16-20 (151. The Great Commission, 马太福音 28:16-20)
151. Jesu n#ai hoa ha /e ko ha n!haro ku kxaosi, Mattao 28:16-20 (151. The Great Commission, 马太福音 28:16-20)
309 kB
 1′ 10″
153. Filipu kesi !hoan o Etopia ma, !gusi //koa 8:26-40 (153. Philip and the Ethiopian, 使徒行传 8:26-40)
153. Filipu kesi !hoan o Etopia ma, !gusi //koa 8:26-40 (153. Philip and the Ethiopian, 使徒行传 8:26-40)
656 kB
 2′ 43″
155. ≠omkxaosi tsi ni du ≠oah tca Xristus ko o dua, Romeine 15:1-6 (155. The Weak and the Strong, 罗马书 15:1-6)
155. ≠omkxaosi tsi ni du ≠oah tca Xristus ko o dua, Romeine 15:1-6 (155. The Weak and the Strong, 罗马书 15:1-6)
344 kB
 1′ 12″
158. !xu o //ah, 1 John 1:5-10 (158. Walking in the Light, 约翰一书 1:5-10)
158. !xu o //ah, 1 John 1:5-10 (158. Walking in the Light, 约翰一书 1:5-10)
269 kB
160. N/aqa ze khota kxa/o'o ze n//a'a !hoa, //a!oah /a 21:1-8 (160. Future of believers & unbelievers, 启示录 21:1-8)
160. N/aqa ze khota kxa/o'o ze n//a'a !hoa, //a!oah /a 21:1-8 (160. Future of believers & unbelievers, 启示录 21:1-8)
463 kB
 1′ 57″
161.//aikhao /haxua o /xu ga kesi //aikhao /haxua o ghum ga...., N//axua 22 (161.The Throne of God & of the Lamb (Eternity), Rev22:1-21)
161.//aikhao /haxua o /xu ga kesi //aikhao /haxua o ghum ga...., N//axua 22 (161.The Throne of God & of the Lamb (Eternity), Rev22:1-21)
1 MB
 4′ 37″
162. Ju sa du tsi toh kesi ju sa du tsisa /oan toh, Psalm 1:1-6 (162. Blessed is the one..., Psalm 1)
162. Ju sa du tsi toh kesi ju sa du tsisa /oan toh, Psalm 1:1-6 (162. Blessed is the one..., Psalm 1)
320 kB
 1′ 9″
164. ≠omkxaosi sao n!haikxaosi sao !xu hesi, Epheser 6:10-20 (164. The armour of God, 以弗所书 6:10-20)
164. ≠omkxaosi sao n!haikxaosi sao !xu hesi, Epheser 6:10-20 (164. The armour of God, 以弗所书 6:10-20)
532 kB
 2′ 8″
168. //koa o Maqa gaqa Si ga, Johane 16:5-15 (168. The Work of the Holy Spirit, 约翰福音 16:5-15)
168. //koa o Maqa gaqa Si ga, Johane 16:5-15 (168. The Work of the Holy Spirit, 约翰福音 16:5-15)
461 kB
 1′ 49″