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Christmas & Women's Messages dans Mendé

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Joy To The World ▪ Introduction ▪ Luc 1:26-38 Angel To Mary ▪ Luc 1:39-56 Mary's Chant ▪ Matthieu 1:18-25 Angel To Joseph ▪ Luc 2:1-7 Birth Of Jesus ▪ Silent Night ▪ Luc 2:8-20 The Shepherds ▪ While Sheperds Watched ▪ Matthieu 2:1-12 ▪ The First Noel ▪ Christmas Message ▪ O Come All Ye Faithful
Joy To The World ▪ Introduction ▪ Luc 1:26-38 Angel To Mary ▪ Luc 1:39-56 Mary's Chant ▪ Matthieu 1:18-25 Angel To Joseph ▪ Luc 2:1-7 Birth Of Jesus ▪ Silent Night ▪ Luc 2:8-20 The Shepherds ▪ While Sheperds Watched ▪ Matthieu 2:1-12 ▪ The First Noel ▪ Christmas Message ▪ O Come All Ye Faithful
6.6 MB
 37′ 43″
Women's Message: Yielded Life ▪ Chant #3 - Yesu Yo Ngi Wabi Gama ▪ Chant #4 - O Nunga Awa Mu Gewo Veli Yu ▪ Chant #5 - Maungo Mo Yo Pele Na Ma ▪ Chant #6 - A Wa Mu Toh Yesu Ma ▪ Chant #7 - Nya Longo A Biye ▪ Chant #8 - Manuma Yewowai
Women's Message: Yielded Life ▪ Chant #3 - Yesu Yo Ngi Wabi Gama ▪ Chant #4 - O Nunga Awa Mu Gewo Veli Yu ▪ Chant #5 - Maungo Mo Yo Pele Na Ma ▪ Chant #6 - A Wa Mu Toh Yesu Ma ▪ Chant #7 - Nya Longo A Biye ▪ Chant #8 - Manuma Yewowai
5.4 MB
 27′ 55″