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Worte des Lebens in Jawa: Yogya

6.7 MB
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79.6 MB
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God's Hatred of Sin
God's Hatred of Sin
2.2 MB
 10′ 20″
Ora suwe wong urip neng alam donyo (Sinner, Come Home To The Lord)
Ora suwe wong urip neng alam donyo (Sinner, Come Home To The Lord)
379 kB
 1′ 37″
1.9 MB
 8′ 25″
Milih gusti ojo nganti keliru (Choose the Lord Before it is Too Late)
Milih gusti ojo nganti keliru (Choose the Lord Before it is Too Late)
384 kB
 1′ 42″
Orang kaya dan Lazarus (The Rich Man and Lazarus)
Orang kaya dan Lazarus (The Rich Man and Lazarus)
1.7 MB
 7′ 44″
Prepare for the Future
Prepare for the Future
1.2 MB
 5′ 7″
Konco - konco do ilingo (People Don't Live on Earth For Long)
Konco - konco do ilingo (People Don't Live on Earth For Long)
350 kB
 1′ 30″
Are You Going to Heaven?
Are You Going to Heaven?
1.6 MB
 7′ 21″
Yen nunggil lan gusti (Need Thee Every Hour)
Yen nunggil lan gusti (Need Thee Every Hour)
300 kB
 1′ 23″
The Verlorener Sohn
The Verlorener Sohn
1.6 MB
 7′ 27″
Wonten panglipuran (There is Comfort in the Lord)
Wonten panglipuran (There is Comfort in the Lord)
199 kB
Rino wengi suan gusti (Renowangi Suan Gusti)
Rino wengi suan gusti (Renowangi Suan Gusti)
582 kB
 2′ 33″