Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.

Bible Stories in Jawa: Yogya

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Penciptaan (Creation)
Penciptaan (Creation)
1.6 MB
 7′ 16″
Cain Dan Habel (Cain and Abel)
Cain Dan Habel (Cain and Abel)
4.9 MB
 22′ 25″
Manusia Jatuh Dalam Dosa (The Fall)
Manusia Jatuh Dalam Dosa (The Fall)
2.1 MB
 9′ 47″
Nuh Dan Air Bah (Noah / The Flood)
Nuh Dan Air Bah (Noah / The Flood)
2.4 MB
 11′ 17″
Menara Babel (Tower of Babel)
Menara Babel (Tower of Babel)
910 kB
 4′ 9″
Abraham Dipanggil (Story 6: The Call of Abraham)
Abraham Dipanggil (Story 6: The Call of Abraham)
2.9 MB
 13′ 13″
Kepercayaan Abraham (Story 7: Abraham's Faith)
Kepercayaan Abraham (Story 7: Abraham's Faith)
1.5 MB
 6′ 57″
Doa Abraham (Story 8: Abraham's Prayer)
Doa Abraham (Story 8: Abraham's Prayer)
1.3 MB
 6′ 9″
Sodom dan Gomora (Story 9: Sodom and Gomorah)
Sodom dan Gomora (Story 9: Sodom and Gomorah)
1.6 MB
 7′ 16″
Lahirnya Ishak (Story 10: The Birth of Isaac)
Lahirnya Ishak (Story 10: The Birth of Isaac)
1.5 MB
 7′ 2″
Ishak akan Dikurbankan (Story 11: The Offering of Isaac)
Ishak akan Dikurbankan (Story 11: The Offering of Isaac)
1.6 MB
 7′ 17″