Paroles de Vie 2 w/ SINABU dans Kinabatangan, Upper: Kalabuan et Kinabatangan, Upper
6.1 MB
67.2 MB
Diaporama Vidéo
Audio Seulement
Introduction - Music
93 kB
How God's Children Should Live
1.2 MB
5′ 4″
Suffering and Jesus
457 kB
2′ 5″
Pray to God
162 kB
1 MB
4′ 25″
There is an Ark
590 kB
2′ 40″
The Fils Prodigue
1.8 MB
8′ 3″
Though I am a Sinner
589 kB
2′ 35″
Introduction - Music
124 kB
Repent and Believe - 3
1.9 MB
8′ 7″
Repent, and Come to the Father
606 kB
2′ 49″
Christ Our Victory
1.2 MB
5′ 5″
Suffering and Jesus
454 kB
2′ 2″
The Return of Christ
816 kB
3′ 18″
Jesus is the Only Way
306 kB
1′ 25″
God Our Creator
650 kB
2′ 37″