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What the Christian Adores (Beginning) ▪ Jesus Invites Us All to Come to Heaven ▪ The Birth of Jesus - 1 ▪ The Birth of Christ ▪ Behold Jesus ▪ Repentance ▪ Behold the Lamb of God ▪ Following Christ ▪ What the Christian Adores (Sacrifice for Sin)
What the Christian Adores (Beginning) ▪ Jesus Invites Us All to Come to Heaven ▪ The Birth of Jesus - 1 ▪ The Birth of Christ ▪ Behold Jesus ▪ Repentance ▪ Behold the Lamb of God ▪ Following Christ ▪ What the Christian Adores (Sacrifice for Sin)
6.1 MB
 27′ 58″
Rise Up and Follow Jesus ▪ What the Christian Adores (Death, Resurr and Ascension) ▪ Death and Resurrection ▪ Repentance ▪ The Two Masters ▪ It is Time for Us to Repent ▪ The Two Ways ▪ Leave the World Behind and Follow Jesus ▪ The Two Roads ▪ We Have Salvation in Jesus ▪ When Will Jesus Return?
Rise Up and Follow Jesus ▪ What the Christian Adores (Death, Resurr and Ascension) ▪ Death and Resurrection ▪ Repentance ▪ The Two Masters ▪ It is Time for Us to Repent ▪ The Two Ways ▪ Leave the World Behind and Follow Jesus ▪ The Two Roads ▪ We Have Salvation in Jesus ▪ When Will Jesus Return?
6.1 MB
 28′ 1″